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Showing posts from April, 2011


How to say "jammed" [traffic jam] in Chinese language? Bagaimana mengucapkan "macet" [kemacetan lalu lintas] dlm bhs Mandarin? a. 塞車 Sāi chē b. 卡住 Kǎ zhù c. 堵車 Dǔ chē d. 麥當勞 Mài dāng láo e. 卡車 Kǎ chē f. 賽車 Sài chē we are awaiting your answer.


白話文和文言文的差別, 一般來說都不需要區別的.對嘛? 你問的這個問題,我只能回 ”兩個都是一樣的東西” - 同意詞. 辭典和詞典是 收集詞彙加以解釋供人 檢查參考的工具書 辭和詞以“言詞”上的意思是能通用的。 中國古代時,幾乎所有人都在說”辭”而不是”詞”. 漢代之後人們才逐漸使用著這個”詞” [代替辭] 不過你要記得,在很多合成的詞裏面, “辭”也作為”詞”. 但如果較仔細來看,其實有細微的差別。 “辭”古代時不是這麼寫的, 原本的字是“辤”,即受加辛,辭的原意就是辯訟或打官司。 到最後引申為告別[比如:告辭,辭行,辭別],引退[比如:辭職], 解雇[比如:辭退],跟語言有關[文辭,言辭,修辭]的那些意思了 所以,較嚴格來說,辭這個字比詞還要更嚴肅,比較正規就對了. 備註: 辭[詞] = 語言裡面的最小部分


How to say "to wear"[to wear the clothes] in Chinese language? Bagaimana mengucapkan "memakai" [baju] dlm bhs Mandarin? a. 戴 Dài b. 上載 Shàng zài c. 流行 Liú xíng d. 好吃 hǎo chī e. 穿 Chuān f. 塞 Sāi The answer is _ _ _

Your participation - Collection

我喜歡收集古物, 你喜歡嗎? Wǒ xǐhuan shōují gǔwù, nǐ xǐhuan ma? 我喜欢收集古物, 你喜欢吗? 我 = I, me [saya] 喜歡 = like [suka] 收集 = to collect [koleksi] 古物 = antiquities [barang antik] 你 = you [kamu] 嗎 = question word [kah?]

Proudly introduce you [University in China]

Other university in china which also has its prestigious is 中國傳媒大學 Zhōng guó chuán méi dà xué Communication University of China I think it is the first communication university in China We know that nowadays communication is the most important For all life aspects, from makin’ friends, maintaining the relationship, Or even when you are trading something, which also can impact your career journey Well actually it is judged by how do you communicate with other. For General communication study in all university in the world, communication science or knowledge in fact is the key for success. From doing some plain or simple interaction with others such as friendship, Presentation in class, public speaking, Or even doing some advertising exercise, marketing, mass communication [which inside included the journalistic, reporter, news broadcaster, learning multimedia, etc. multimedia has to do with video editing] and first of all is very worth to the Public relation major. and here is the place

Proudly introduce you [University in China]

Other university in china which also has its prestigious is 中國傳煤大學 Zhōng guó chuán méi dà xué Communication University of China I think it is the first communication university in China We know that nowadays communication is the most important For all life aspects, from makin’ friends, maintaining the relationship, Or even when you are trading something, which also can impact your career journey Well actually it is judged by how do you communicate with other. For General communication study in all university in the world, communication science or knowledge in fact is the key for success. From doing some plain or simple interaction with others such as friendship, Presentation in class, public speaking, Or even doing some advertising exercise, marketing, mass communication [which inside included the journalistic, reporter, news broadcaster, learning multimedia, etc. multimedia has to do with video editing] and first of all is very worth to the Public relation major. and here is the place

Best University in China

Bei jing [red as Pei Cing] University  北京大学 has become a center for teaching and research  and a university of a new type,  embracing diverse branches of learning  such as basic and applied sciences, social sciences and the humanities,  and sciences of medicine, management, and education. Its aim is to rank among the world's best universities in the future, and the best university in China. Majors: school of Mathematical Sciences school of Physics college of Chemistry school of Life Sciences college of Urban and Environmental Sciences department of Psychology school of Earth and Space Sciences school of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science institute of Computer Science & Technology college of Engineering school of Software and Microelectronics college of Environmental Science and Engineering department of Chinese Language and Literature department of History school of

Best Taiwan University

National Taiwan University 台灣大學 [NTU] best university in Taiwan. “NTU Made the list of Times reputation ranking of worldwide universities, ranking between the 81st and the 90th place The London Times Higher Education Supplement announced the reputation ranking of world universities in March. America’s Harvard University topped the list. NTU’s ranking was between the 81st and the 90th place. Aside from being ranked the 94th place in the QS world university rankings in 2010, this is another indicator that NTU has joined the ranks of the top 100 universities in the world.” 台灣大學   Majors : College of Liberal Arts College of Science College of Social Sciences College of Medicine College of Engineering College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture College of Management College of Public Health College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science College of Law College of Life Science Division of Continuing Education and Professional Development Center for General Education Physical Education Of

Proudly introduce you [Taiwan]

Tam Kang University [TKU] 淡江大學 Dàn jiāng dà xué [red as : tΛn cyΛng] Tamkang University’s Triple objectives: Globalization, Information-oriented Education, and Future-oriented Education, was born out of the foresight of Tamkang’s founder, Dr. Clement C. P. Chang. He states that, “since the founding of the university, Tamkang has set ‘Globalization, Information-oriented Education, and Future-oriented Education’ as main objectives. The final goal is to attain quality research, improve instruction and enhance social welfare.” Location is not the center of the city, it is near 淡江 district Where you can found a beauty sight of sea-side. tΛn cyΛng university is well known throughout Taiwan and best private university And in 50th rank of best Asia University where students are from 26 countries. Majors : Liberal Arts Department of Chinese Department of History Department of Information and Library Science Department of Mass Communication Department of Information and C

Proudly introduce you [Taiwan]

Chinese Culture University 中國文化大學 Zhōng guó wén huà dà xué One of the best university in Taiwan. Founded in 1962 and tentatively named Far East University by its founder, Dr. Chang Chi-yun, Chinese Culture University (CCU) was originally christened College of Chinese Culture by the late ROC President Chiang Kai-shek, henceforth mapping out the direction of its future development and educational ideals. To many, the essence of Chinese tradition consists in literature, history, and philosophy, while the merits at least of modern Western civilization have been science and democracy. Yet, Chinese culture if it is to continue to grow and prosper in its present historical and global setting must inherit the best that the East and the West has to offer. It is for this and other equally pressing reasons and in light of the challenges faced by our young in Taiwan that CCU from its inception conceived an undergraduate program comprehensive enough to include all that is relevant in the humanities


How to say "dictionary" in Chinese language? Bagaimana mengucapkan "kamus" dlm bhs Mandarin? a. 經典 Jīngdiǎn b. 古典 Gǔdiǎn c. 詞典 Cídiǎn d. 課本 Kèběn e. 聖經 Shèngjīng f. 瑞典 Ruìdiǎn The Answer is _ _ _


How to say "pencil" in Chinese language? Bagaimana mengucapkan "pensil" dlm bhs Mandarin? a. 原子筆 Yuánzǐ bǐ b. 一根菸 Yì gēn yān c. 橡皮擦 Xiàngpí cā d. 鉛筆 Qiānbǐ e. 圓珠筆 Yuánzhūbǐ f. 文具盒 Wénjù hé The answer is _ _ _


How to say "bread" in Chinese language? Bagaimana mengucapkan "roti" dlm bhs Mandarin? a. 麵粉 Miànfěn b. 麵條 Miàntiáo c. 麵包 Miànbāo d. 泡麵 Pào miàn e. 三明治 Sānmíngzhì f. 甜圈 Tián quān The answer is _ _ _


How to say "hobby" in Chinese language? Bagaimana mengucapkan "hobi" dlm bhs Mandarin? a. 要求 Yāo qiú b. 蠟筆 Là bǐ c. 愛玩 Ài wán d. 遊戲 Yóu xì e. 嗜好 Shì hào f. 曖昧 Ài mèi The Answer is _ _ _

Previous Question - 問答

MULTIPLE CHOICE - 問答 [158] How to say "entrepreneur" in Chinese language? Bagaimana mengucapkan "pengusaha" dlm bhs Mandarin? a. 醫生 Yī shēng b. 記者 Jì zhě c. 律師 Lǜ shī d. 司機 Sī jī e. 企業家 Qǐ yè jiā f. 工程師 Gōng chéng shī Simplified Character a. 医生 b. 记者 c. 律师 d. 司机 e. 企业家 f. 工程师 The answer is _____ a. 醫生 Yī shēng = doctor b. 記者 Jì zhě = journalist c. 律師 Lǜ shī = lawyer [pengacara] d. 司機 Sī jī = driver [pengemudi, supir] e. 企業家 Qǐ yè jiā = entrepreneur [pengusaha] f. 工程師 Gōng chéng shī = engineer [masinis]


How to say "facial tissue" in Chinese language? Bagaimana mengucapkan "tissue" khusus utk wajah dlm bhs Mandarin? a. 面油紙 Miàn yóu zhǐ d. 衛生紙 Wèi shēng zhǐ b. 搖椅 Yáo yǐ e. 椅子 Yǐ zi f. 餐巾紙 Cān jīn zhǐ c. 面紙 Miàn zhǐ The answer is _ _ _

Your participation - movie

我愛看國產的恐怖電影,你呢? Wǒ ài kàn guóchǎn de kǒngbù diànyǐng, nǐ ne? 我爱看国产的恐怖电影,你呢? 我 = me, i [saya] 愛 = love to [suka sekali] 看 = watch / see [menonton / melihat] 國產 = domestic [dalam negri] 的 = of, own [kepunyaan] 恐怖 = horror 電影 = movie 你呢? = how about you? [bagaimana dengan kamu?]

How to say "my chinese language skill is not good enough"

我的中文能力還不夠好 Wǒ de zhōngwén nénglì hái búgòu hǎo 我的中文能力还不够好 我 = me, i [saya] 的 = of, own [kepunyaan] 中文 = mandarin [bahasa chinese] 能力 = skill, capability [keterampilan / kemampuan] 還 = still [masih] 不 = not [tidak] 夠 = enough [cukup] 好 = good, well [baik]


How to sy "mother buy a roll bathroom tissue"? Bgm mgatakan "ibu membeli 1 tissue gulung" dlm bhs Mandarin? a. 姥姥卖一包面纸 Lǎo lao mài yì bāo miàn zhǐ b. 姨嬷买一盒碧柔妙鼻贴 Yí mā mǎi yì hé bì róu miào bí tiē c. 母亲售卖一大堆面油纸 Mǔ qīn shòu mài yí dà duī miàn yóu zhǐ d. 妈妈买一盒潘婷洗发乳 Mā ma mǎi yī hé pān tíng xǐ fǎ rǔ e. 舅妈卖香肠 Jiù mā mài xiāng cháng f. 妈妈买一卷卫生纸 Mā ma mǎi yí juàn wèi shēng zhǐ The answer is _ _


How to say "hard to identify" or "hard to distinguish" in Chinese language? Bagaimana mengucapkan "sulit diidentifikasikan" dlm bhs Mandarin? a. 很難說的 Hěn nán shuō de b. 辦難事情 Bàn nán shì qíng c. 難以辨認 Nán yǐ biànrèn d. 艱難的事兒 Jiān nán de shìr e. 挺易區別的 Tǐng yì qū bié de f. 辛苦你了 Xīn kǔ nǐ le We are awaiting your reply


How to say "now" in Chinese language? Bagaimana mengucapkan "sekarang" dlm bhs Mandarin? a. 當今 Dāng jīn b. 現代 Xiàn dài c. 目前 Mù qián d. 鼻子 Bí zi e. 現在 Xiàn zài f. 此刻 Cǐ kè The answer is _ _ _

How to say - What i say about ... It means

所謂...是指... by saying...we mean to say... the so called... is meant to mean... this so called... is supposed to signify... Formula 格式 [Rumus]: 所謂 + [術語,專門名稱,詞彙和措辭] + 是指 + 解釋 Suǒwèi + [shùyǔ, zhuānmén míngchēng, cíhuì hé cuòcí] + shì zhǐ + jiěshì 所谓+ [术语,专门名称,词汇和措辞] + 是指+ 解释 [ENGLISH] 所謂 [by saying / the so called] + [term, special name, words and expressions] + 是指 [is refer to / indicates] + explanation [INDONESIAN 巴哈薩] 所謂[dengan mengatakan / apa yang disebut] + [istilah, nama khusus, kata-kata dan ungkapan] + 是指 [adalah ini mengacu pada / menunjukkan] + penjelasan For example – 例子 [contohnya]: 所謂二春是指第二次結婚 所謂國語是指台灣的漢語 所謂菜市場是指傳統市場而不是超級市場. 所謂單身貴族是指未婚或無家庭的人 . Suǒwèi èr chūn shì zhǐ dì èr cì jiéhūn Suǒwèi guóyǔ shì zhǐ táiwān de hànyǔ Suǒwèi cài shìchǎng shì zhǐ chuántǒng shìchǎng ér bùshì chāojí shìchǎng. Suǒwèi dānshēn guìzú shì zhǐ wèihūn huò wú jiātíng de rén. 所谓二春是指第二次结婚 所谓国语是指台湾的汉语 所谓菜市场是指传统市场而不是超级市场. 所谓单身贵族是指未婚或无家庭的人. [ENGLISH] 1.By saying Second Spring, indicating the second marr

How to say - What i say about ... It means

所謂...是指... by saying...we mean to say... the so called... is meant to mean... this so called... is supposed to signify... Formula 格式 [Rumus]: 所謂 + [術語,專門名稱,詞彙和措辭] + 是指 + 解釋 Suǒwèi + [shùyǔ, zhuānmén míngchēng, cíhuì hé cuòcí] + shì zhǐ + jiěshì 所谓+ [术语,专门名称,词汇和措辞] + 是指+ 解释 [ENGLISH] 所謂 [by saying / the so called] + [term, special name, words and expressions] + 是指 [is refer to / indicates] + explanation [INDONESIAN 巴哈薩] 所謂[dengan mengatakan / apa yang disebut] + [istilah, nama khusus, kata-kata dan ungkapan] + 是指 [adalah ini mengacu pada / menunjukkan] + penjelasan For example – 例子 [contohnya]: 所謂二春是指第二次結婚 所謂國語是指台灣的漢語 所謂菜市場是指傳統市場而不是超級市場. 所謂單身貴族是指未婚或無家庭的人 . Suǒwèi èr chūn shì zhǐ dì èr cì jiéhūn Suǒwèi guóyǔ shì zhǐ táiwān de hànyǔ Suǒwèi cài shìchǎng shì zhǐ chuántǒng shìchǎng ér bùshì chāojí shìchǎng. Suǒwèi dānshēn guìzú shì zhǐ wèihūn huò wú jiātíng de rén. 所谓二春是指第二次结婚 所谓国语是指台湾的汉语 所谓菜市场是指传统市场而不是超级市场. 所谓单身贵族是指未婚或无家庭的人. [ENGLISH] 1.By saying Second Spring, indicating the second marr

how to say - tell us your work experience

能不能談談你的銷售經驗? Néng bùnéng tán tán nǐ de xiāoshòu jīngyàn? 能不能谈谈你的销售经验? 能不能 = could you [bisa kah] 談談 = talk of [berbicara mengenai] 你 = you [kamu] 的 = of [dari] 銷售 = selling / marketing [penjualan] 經驗 = experience [pengalaman]


Strainer is a kitchenware also be used to get rid of tea leaves when we prepare tea. How to say this "strainer" in Chinese? bagaimana mengucapkan "alat dapur - penyaring" dalam bhs Mandarin? a. 滤盆 Lǜ pén b. 滤网 Lǜ wǎng c. 擦子 Cā zi d. 抄網 Chāo wǎng e. 礤床 Cǎ chuáng f. 滤器 Lǜqì The answer is _ _ _


when fry Tempe, chicken, tofu, etc. u need a perforated spoon to sieve the oil from the food. how to say this "slotted spoon" in Chinese? ketika kita menggoreng tempe, ayam, tahu, dll. kita perlu sendok berlubang, bgm mengucapkannya dlm Bhs Mandarin? a. 帶孔的舀勺 Dài kǒng de yǎo sháo b. 腦勺 Nǎo sháo c. 鎖匙 Suǒ chí d. 餐匙 Cān chí e. 漏勺 Lòusháo f. 削皮刀 Xiāo pí dāo g. 刮刀压板 Guā dāo yà bǎn

Special Sentence - Wise Man Always Give Solutions

聰明的人遇到困難的時候, 總是會很快地想辦法解決問題. Cōngmíng de rén yù dào kùnnán de shíhou, zǒng shì huì hěn kuài dì xiǎng bànfǎ jiějué wèntí. 聪明的人遇到困难的时候, 总是会很块地想办法解决问题。 in times of difficulties, Smart person [wise] always thinking the way to solve problem quickly orang cerdas saat berbentur dengan kesulitan, selalu bisa dengan segera memikirkan jalan keluar untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Word Bank 聰明 Cōngmíng = bright [person], wise, smart [cerdas] 的 de = of [dari kepunyaan - kata sambung] 人 rén = human [manusia] 遇到 yù dào = encounter [bertemu] 困難 kùnnán = hardship [kesulitan] 時候 shíhou = in time of / while [waktu/saat] 總是 zǒng shì = always [selalu] 會 huì = can/will [akan/bisa] 很 hěn = very [sangat] 快 kuài = quick, pronto [segera] 想辦法 xiǎng bànfǎ = find a way - think of solution [memikirkan cara] 解決 jiějué = to solve [menyelesaikan/membereskan (masalah)] 問題 wèntí = question, matter, problem [masalah]


How to say "Rocking Chair" in Chinese language? Bagaimana mengucapkan "Kursi Goyang" dlm bhs Mandarin? a. 桌子 Zhuō zi b. 椅子 Yǐ zi c. 餐巾紙 Cān jīn zhǐ d. 面紙 Miàn zhǐ e. 搖椅 Yáo yǐ f. 衛生紙 Wèi shēng zhǐ The answer is _ _ _


How to say "chair" in Chinese language? Bagaimana mengucapkan "kursi" dlm bhs Mandarin? a. 面油紙 Miàn yóu zhǐ b. 衛生紙 Wèi shēng zhǐ c. 沙發 shā fā d. 椅子 Yǐ zi e. 餐巾紙 Cān jīn zhǐ f. 面紙 Miàn zhǐ The Answer is _ _ _

Word Of The Day - far sighted of thinking

飽帶飢糧,晴帶雨傘. Bǎo dài jī liáng, qíng dài yǔsǎn 饱带饥粮,晴带雨伞. Thinking a step ahead [Prepare ur umbrella before it rains] "Berpikir selangkah lebih jauh [Siapkan payung sebelum hujan]" 飽 = full stomach [kenyang] 帶 = to take / bring [membawa] 飢 = hungry [lapar] 糧 = food [makanan] 晴 = clear / sunny day [langit cerah] 雨傘 = umbrella [payung] 分析解釋 [analysis] Original Character 覺得飽之時,也要準備好餓了時候的吃食, 在晴天之時也要帶好雨傘以防下雨。 Juéde bǎo zhī shí, yě yào zhǔnbèi hǎo è le shíhou de chīshi, Zài qíngtiān zhī shí yě yào dàihǎo yǔsǎn yǐ fáng xià yǔ. 寓意就是人要擁有遠大的心智, 多想一步, 多做一步 以[防]備不時之需。 Yùyì jiùshì rén yào yǒngyǒu yuǎndà de xīnzhì, Duō xiǎng yībù, Duō zuò yībù Yǐ bèi bùshí zhī xū. when your stomach is fulled, be well prepared for the time or moment to feed your hungry, when it is a sunny day, bring up an umbrella in case of rain falls. the lesson we should learn is a man has to had an far sighted of mind [or thinking] thingking one step ahead takin' a step forward. [to act more extra than ordinary done] t

Previous Question - 問答

MULTIPLE CHOICE - 問答 [155] How to say "Airmail" in Chinese language? Bagaimana mengucapkan "surat airmail" dlm bhs Mandarin? a. 文件櫃 Wén jiàn guì b. 提款機 Tí kuǎn jī c. 傳真機 Chuán zhēn jī d. 磁卡電話 Cí kǎ diànhuà e. 投幣電話 Tóu bì diàn huà f. 航空郵件 Háng kōng yóujiàn simplified character a. 文件柜 b. 提款机 c. 传真机 d. 磁卡电话 e. 投币电话 f. 航空邮件 The answer is _____ a. 文件櫃 Wén jiàn guì = filing cabinet b. 提款機 Tí kuǎn jī = ATM c. 傳真機 Chuán zhēn jī = FAX [faksimil] d. 磁卡電話 Cí kǎ diànhuà = card phone [telp umum kartu] e. 投幣電話 Tóu bì diàn huà = coin phone [telp umum koin] f. 航空郵件 Háng kōng yóujiàn = airmail [surat airmail]

Vocabulary 1.5 [简化字 simplified]

情愿【qíng yuàn】 = to be willing to. 幸福【Xìng fú】 = happiness. 衣服缝边【Yī fú féng biān】 = hem. 弥缝【Mí fèng】 = to stitch up, to cover up crimes or cases. 掩饰【Yǎn shì】 = to conceal a fault, to gloss over 【to hide our weak point】 蜂蜜【fēng mì】= honey. 蜜蜂【mì fēng】= honey bee. 缝纫【Féng rèn】 = to sew. 裁缝【Cái féng】 = sewing, tailor. 裁剪【Cái jiǎn】 = to cut out. 短促【Duǎn cù】 = in short time, fleeting. 促进【cù jìn】= to promote [idea], to advance [organization or foundation] 促动【cù dòng】= to motivate. 眩晕【Xuàn yūn】 = dizziness. 耳源性【Ěr yuán xìng】 = aural vertigo. 毛毛雨【Máo mao yǔ】 = drizzle, light rain. 雨蒙蒙【Yǔ méng méng】 = drizzle, light rain. 几乎完全【Jī hū wán quán】 = almost all. 什叶派【Shí yè pài】 = shiite sect [islam] 借调【Jiè diào】 = temporary transfer [of company's personnel] 上调【Shàng diào】 = adjust to upwards, to raise prices. 曲【Qū】= bent, crooked, wrong/mal. 曲【qǔ】= song [tune]. 曲率【Qū lǜ】 = curvature. 曲綫拟合【Qū xiàn nǐ hé】 = curve fitting CLICK HERE FOR HE ORIGINAL SCRIPT [正体字]

Vocabulary 1.4 [简化字 simplified]

顾客【gù kè】 = customer. 推荐【Tuī jiàn】 = recommend. 劝别人【Quàn bié rén】 = to advise other, to persuade other. 不道德【Bù dào dé】 = unmoral, bad deed. 民事官司【Mín shì guān sī】 = a civil lawsuit. 包括【Bāo kuò】 = include. 包裹【bāo guǒ】= wrap up;bundle; parcel or package. 欺骗【Qī piàn】 = swindle, defraud, deceive. 股民【Gǔ mín】 = investor 【shareholder】. 过程【Guò chéng】 = process. 当中【Dāng zhōng】 = in the middle. 反省【Fǎn xǐng】 = reflect, introspection. 过去【Guò qù】 = already passed. 很多时候【Hěn duō shí hou】 = frequently. 中间业务【Zhōng jiān yè wù】 = profession in between, be the medium. 插句话【Chā jù huà】 = interrupt. 插嘴【Chā zuǐ】 = interrupt. 打擦边球【Dǎ cā biān qiú】 = [sports] edge ball of table tennis; touch ball. 业务【Yè wù】 = business or profession. 钻法律的漏洞【Zuān fǎ lǜ de lòu dòng】 = [lit.] to drill a hole in a law. 钻【zuan】= to make one's way into, to dig or bore, to drill into. 法规【Fǎ guī】 = legislation, statute. 漏洞【Lòu dòng】 = hole [leak]. 涉及不到【Shè jí bú dào】 = cannot touch upon [the topic], not related [discuss], not involved

Vocabulary 1.3 [简化字 simplified]

自然规律【Zì rán guī lǜ】 = nature's law. 国内【Guó nèi】 = domestic, internal country. 找藉口【Zhǎo jiè kǒu】 = give pretext, give excuse. 实际上 【Shí jì shang】= in fact, as a matter of fact 【practically】 赌场【Dǔ chǎng】 = casino. 下班【Xià bān】 = off work, work time is dismissed. 久而久之【Jiǔ ér jiǔ zhī】 = as the time passes. 常伦【Cháng lún】 = common custom. Conventional. 享受【Xiǎng shòu】 = enjoy 女子【Nǚ zǐ】 – 女生【nǚ shēng】 – 女人【nǚ rén】 = woman. 金融证劵【Jīn róng zhèng juàn】 = securities [financial] & stocks. And bonds 信托公司【Xìn tuō gōng sī】 = corporate fiduciary, safe company. 贪婪【Tān lán】 = avaricious, rapacious. 由于【Yóu yú】 = due to. 营业【Yíng yè】 = business activity. 从事【Cóng shì】 = engage in 【job】,undertake 【duty】. 羡慕【Xiàn mù】 = envy. 人伦【Rén lún】 = (according to feudal ethics) human relations; principles of human relations 道德【Dào dé】 = goodness, morals 【good deed】 感觉【Gǎn jué】 = feel. 干【gàn】; 干活【gàn huó】 = to do job, working. 读书【Dú shū】 = study. 书籍【Shū jí】 = book and magazine, books kind. 相关【Xiāng guān】 = interrelated,

Vocabulary 1.2 [简化字 Simplified]

传说【Chuán shuō】 = legend. 身不由己【Shēn bù yóu jǐ】 = cant help doing it. 舔吮【Tiǎn shǔn】 = lick and suck. 格【Gé】 = pattern, frame, rule. 转动【Zhuǎn dòng】 = turn. 转变【Zhuǎn biàn】 = change, alter become other [mentally] 甲【Jiǎ】 = armor, A, methyl. 停业【Tíng yè】 = close down, stop business. 飘浮【Piāo fú】 = float, hover. 落叶【Luò yè】 = deciduous. 协助【Xié zhù】 = to give assistance, aid, provide assistance. 不以为然【Bù yǐ wéi rán】 = not approve [objection], take exception to. 呼吁【Hū yù】 = to call on someone to do something. 婚礼【Hūn lǐ】 = wedding. 钱财【Qián cái】 = wealthy, money. 行业【Háng yè】 = profession, industry, business. 赚钱【Zhuàn qián】 = earn money. 挣钱【Zhèng qián】 = to make money. 傲慢【Ào màn】 = arrogant 【haughty】 劝告【Quàn gào】 = advise. 证券公司【Zhèng juàn gōng sī】 = stocks and bonds Company. 证券【Zhèng juàn】 = negotiable security (financial); certificate; stocks and bonds 不放在眼里【Bù fàng zài yǎn lǐ】 = 才能【Cái néng】 = talent, ability. 能力【Néng lì】 = capability, ability. 经理【Jīng lǐ】 = manager, director. 高位置【Gāo wèi zhì】 = high

Vocabulary 1 [简化字 - Simplified]

~ 汉文教学中心 ~ Word Bank 祗-只【zhǐ】 = only 怨天尤人 【Yuàn tiān yóu rén】= to blame god and others; to blame everyone and everything but oneself 怨天怨地 【Yuàn tiān yuàn dì】= to blame god and other people; to blame everyone and everything but oneself 嫌东嫌西 【Xián dōng xián xi】= dislike everything 【Finicky and fussy】 爱责怪别人 【Ài zé guài bié rén 】= like to blame others. 伺候【Cì hou】 = serve, to act as valet. 服务【Fú wù】= service. 孝顺【Xiào shùn】 = filial piety 胡闹【Hú nào】 = to act witfully, make a scene. 捣蛋【Dǎo dàn】 = to make trouble, cause trouble. 乱来【Luàn lái】 = to act recklessly. 乱想【Luàn xiǎng】 = 胡思乱想【hú sī luàn xiǎng】 = Wild Fantasy. 妄想【Wàng xiǎng】 = irrational attempt. 患者【Huàn zhě】 = patient. 隔代【Gé dài】 = separate by other generation. 教育【Jiào yù】 = education. 叛逆【Pàn nì】= rebel. 逆反【Nì fǎn】 = rebel against. 不听话【Bù tīng huà】 = disobey. 往东【Wǎng dōng】 = head to east. 往西【Wǎng xī】 = head to west. 脾气【Pí qì】 = disposition [temperament]. 坏【Huài】 = bad. 坏蛋【Huài dàn】 = scoundrel, bastard. 暑假【Shǔ jià】 = summer holiday. 长