~ 汉文教学中心 ~
Word Bank
祗-只【zhǐ】 = only
怨天尤人 【Yuàn tiān yóu rén】= to blame god and others; to blame everyone and everything but oneself
怨天怨地 【Yuàn tiān yuàn dì】= to blame god and other people; to blame everyone and everything but oneself
嫌东嫌西 【Xián dōng xián xi】= dislike everything 【Finicky and fussy】
爱责怪别人 【Ài zé guài bié rén 】= like to blame others.
伺候【Cì hou】 = serve, to act as valet.
服务【Fú wù】= service.
孝顺【Xiào shùn】 = filial piety
胡闹【Hú nào】 = to act witfully, make a scene.
捣蛋【Dǎo dàn】 = to make trouble, cause trouble.
乱来【Luàn lái】 = to act recklessly.
乱想【Luàn xiǎng】 =
胡思乱想【hú sī luàn xiǎng】 = Wild Fantasy.
妄想【Wàng xiǎng】 = irrational attempt.
患者【Huàn zhě】 = patient.
隔代【Gé dài】 = separate by other generation.
教育【Jiào yù】 = education.
叛逆【Pàn nì】= rebel.
逆反【Nì fǎn】 = rebel against.
不听话【Bù tīng huà】 = disobey.
往东【Wǎng dōng】 = head to east.
往西【Wǎng xī】 = head to west.
脾气【Pí qì】 = disposition [temperament].
坏【Huài】 = bad.
坏蛋【Huài dàn】 = scoundrel, bastard.
暑假【Shǔ jià】 = summer holiday.
长期【Cháng qí】 = long term, long time.
批评【Pī píng】 = criticize.
情况【Qíng kuàng】 = situation.
条子【Tiáo zi】 = slip of paper.
角落【Jiǎo luò】 = corner.
藏着【Cáng zhe】 = hiding.
躲藏【Duǒ cáng】 = hide.
独立【Dú lì】 = independent.
害怕【Hài pà】 = feel terrified. [scared]
可怕【Kě pà】 = dreadful
畏惧【Wèi jù】 = fear.
当场【Dāng chǎng】 = right on the spot. At the place where something occur.
非常【Fēi cháng】 = extremely.
辈【Bèi】 = generation, lifetime.
请多关照【Qǐng duō guān zhào】 = please treat [me] kindly
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Word Bank
祗-只【zhǐ】 = only
怨天尤人 【Yuàn tiān yóu rén】= to blame god and others; to blame everyone and everything but oneself
怨天怨地 【Yuàn tiān yuàn dì】= to blame god and other people; to blame everyone and everything but oneself
嫌东嫌西 【Xián dōng xián xi】= dislike everything 【Finicky and fussy】
爱责怪别人 【Ài zé guài bié rén 】= like to blame others.
伺候【Cì hou】 = serve, to act as valet.
服务【Fú wù】= service.
孝顺【Xiào shùn】 = filial piety
胡闹【Hú nào】 = to act witfully, make a scene.
捣蛋【Dǎo dàn】 = to make trouble, cause trouble.
乱来【Luàn lái】 = to act recklessly.
乱想【Luàn xiǎng】 =
胡思乱想【hú sī luàn xiǎng】 = Wild Fantasy.
妄想【Wàng xiǎng】 = irrational attempt.
患者【Huàn zhě】 = patient.
隔代【Gé dài】 = separate by other generation.
教育【Jiào yù】 = education.
叛逆【Pàn nì】= rebel.
逆反【Nì fǎn】 = rebel against.
不听话【Bù tīng huà】 = disobey.
往东【Wǎng dōng】 = head to east.
往西【Wǎng xī】 = head to west.
脾气【Pí qì】 = disposition [temperament].
坏【Huài】 = bad.
坏蛋【Huài dàn】 = scoundrel, bastard.
暑假【Shǔ jià】 = summer holiday.
长期【Cháng qí】 = long term, long time.
批评【Pī píng】 = criticize.
情况【Qíng kuàng】 = situation.
条子【Tiáo zi】 = slip of paper.
角落【Jiǎo luò】 = corner.
藏着【Cáng zhe】 = hiding.
躲藏【Duǒ cáng】 = hide.
独立【Dú lì】 = independent.
害怕【Hài pà】 = feel terrified. [scared]
可怕【Kě pà】 = dreadful
畏惧【Wèi jù】 = fear.
当场【Dāng chǎng】 = right on the spot. At the place where something occur.
非常【Fēi cháng】 = extremely.
辈【Bèi】 = generation, lifetime.
请多关照【Qǐng duō guān zhào】 = please treat [me] kindly
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