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Showing posts from October, 2016

中文俗語 - Folk Saying [1]

養兒不讀書,不如養頭豬 Yǎng er bu dú shū, bù rú yǎng tóu zhū Meaning: If you raise children but not giving them good education or they don't want to study, it's better to raise pigs. Bahasa: Membesarkan anak anak yang tidak mau belajar pengetahuan dan ilmu, akan lebih baik membesarkan babi. Word Bank: 養 - 養家 - 照顧 = to raise and take care [of family, etc] 兒 - 兒女 = Children 不 - 無 - 沒有 = not 讀書 - 念書 - 上學讀書 = to study to get knowledge and skill [go to school] 不如 - 寧可 - 寧肯 - 最好 = it's better to 頭 - 一頭 = a measure word [the article: a or an for four legs animal in general] 豬 = pig