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Showing posts from March, 2011

Previous Question - 問答

MULTIPLE CHOICE - 問答 [145] How to say "short and stout" in Chinese language? Bagaimana mengucapkan "pendek dan gemuk sekel" dlm bhs Mandarin? a. 硬邦邦 Yìng bāng bāng b. 假惺惺 Jiǎ xīng xīng c. 胖墩墩 Pàng dūn dūn d. 黏糊糊 Nián hú hú e. 亂蓬蓬 Luàn péng péng f. 跑跑顛顛 Pǎo pǎo diān diān Simplified character a. 硬梆梆 b. 假惺惺 c. 胖墩墩 d. 黏糊糊 e. 乱蓬蓬 f. 跑跑颠颠 The Answer is _____ a. very hard [keras] b. hypocritical, to shed crocodile tears [2- faced, munafik] c. short and stout [pendek dan gemuk sekel] d. sticky [lengket] e. in a mess [hair] f. to be on the go ; to work hetically [bekerja sangat sibuk]

Vocabularies 1

~ 漢文教學中心 ~ Word Bank 祗-只 【zhǐ】 = only [hanya, doang] 怨天尤人 【Yuàn tiān yóu rén】= to blame god and others; to blame everyone and everything but oneself. [menyalahkan dunia dan orang lain atas kejadian yang menimpa diri kita] 怨天怨地 【Yuàn tiān yuàn dì】= to blame god and other people; to blame everyone and everything but oneself. [menyalahkan dunia dan orang lain atas kejadian yang menimpa diri kita] 嫌東嫌西 【Xián dōng xián xi】= dislike everything 【Finicky and fussy】 [benci ini dan itu, rewel dan menyusahkan] 愛責怪別人 【Ài zé guài bié rén 】= like to blame others. [suka menyalahkan orang lain] 伺候 【Cì hou】 = serve. [melayani] 服務 【Fú wù】= service. [melayani] 孝順 【Xiào shùn】 = filial piety [perlakuan yang berbakti / sikap berbakti] 胡鬧 【Hú nào】 = to act witfully, make a scene. [bertingkah] 搗蛋 【Dǎo dàn】 = to make trouble, cause trouble. [membuat masalah] 亂來 【Luàn lái】 = to act recklessly. [berbuat seenaknya] 亂想 【Luàn xiǎng】 = to think negatively [berpikir macem macem / negatif] 胡思亂想 【hú sī luàn xiǎng

Word Of The Day - Bad Thinking

心存妄念 Xīn cún wàngniàn bad thinking pemikiran jahat 心 = heart / soul [hati] 存 = exist, remain, live [tersisah / hidup] 妄 = rashly, absurd; presumptuous [gegabah / lancang] 念 = tought, mind, thinkin [noun] - pikiran ; to read / study [verb] - belajar 心存 - 心裡 = in one's heart [dalam hati] 妄念 = improper tought, bad thinking [pikiran yang jahat atau buruk] 分析解釋 [explanation]: 不正當的念頭 Bù zhèngdàng de niàntou [不正当的念头] presumptuous or improper thinking [pikiran yang lancang] you can also say: 心裡亂想 Xīnlǐ luàn xiǎng = our heart remains in state of chaos; chaotic mind 亂想, this chaotic mind means that the person tend to think of negative or bad thinking, especially when someone encounter stalemate [deadlock] or also opportunity to do bad deed. [Indonesian Slang: didalam hati berpikir yang bukan bukan, merujuk pada berpikir kotor serta jahat] 心存邪念 Xīn cún xié niàn = evil thought [hati ini terdapat pemikiran yang jahat] for example 例子 [contohnya] : 男人若整天待在家裡 只會懶洋洋做個白日夢, 沒事做[無業],愛閒坐. 那種人總有一天 會心存妄念

Special Sentence - Grabbed fire to the body

免得引火上身 Miǎnde yǐnhuǒ shàngshēn To avoid grabbed fire to the body [to avoid the disaster against urself] Menghindar badan tersambar api [menghindari bahaya yang muncul bagi diri sendiri] 免得 = 避免 bìmiǎn = to avoid [menghindari] 引 = 引起 yǐn qǐ / 吸引xī yǐn =  to cause or to attract [menyebabkan / menarik] 火 = 火災[火灾] huǒ zāi = Fire [kebakaran] 上 = go to / get in / up to [masuk / naik] 身 = 自身 zì shēn =  one’s own body – one’s life [dirinya sendiri / kehidupannya] 分析解釋 analysis [explanation]: 沒事找事,自尋煩惱。 Méishì zhǎoshì, zì xún fánnǎo. 没事找事,自寻烦恼。 Asking for trouble [cari masalah] 這個引火上身的意思也就是 Zhège yǐnhuǒ shàngshēn de yìsi yě jiùshì 这个引火上身的意思也就是 This 引火上身 also means 害了自己 [害了自己] Hài le zìjǐ, 自找麻煩 [自找麻烦] zì zhǎo máfan, 自找苦吃zì zhǎo kǔ chī 自作自受 Zì zuò zì shòu,玩火自焚 wán huǒ zìfén Synonym 同意詞: 惹火燒身 = 引火燒身 = 招災惹禍 = 招引災禍 Rěhuǒshāoshēn = yǐnhuǒshāoshēn = zhāozāi rěhuò = zhāoyǐn zāihuò 惹火烧身= 引火烧身= 招灾惹祸= 招引灾祸 For example 例子 [contohnya]: 你在大街上看到有人吵架, 上去勸解,結果被吵架的雙方齊罵. 你就是引火上身 Nǐ zài dàjiē shàng kàn dào yǒurén

Special Sentence - Grabbed fire to the body

免得引火上身 Miǎnde yǐnhuǒ shàngshēn To avoid grabbed fire to the body [to avoid the disaster against urself] Menghindar badan tersambar api [menghindari bahaya yang muncul bagi diri sendiri] 免得 = 避免 bìmiǎn = to avoid [menghindari] 引 = 引起 yǐn qǐ / 吸引xī yǐn =  to cause or to attract [menyebabkan / menarik] 火 = 火災[火灾] huǒ zāi = disaster [bencana] 上 = go to / get in / up to [masuk / naik] 身 = 自身 zì shēn =  one’s own body – one’s life [dirinya sendiri / kehidupannya] 分析解釋 analysis [explanation]: 沒事找事,自尋煩惱。 Méishì zhǎoshì, zì xún fánnǎo. 没事找事,自寻烦恼。 Asking for trouble [cari masalah] 這個引火上身的意思也就是 Zhège yǐnhuǒ shàngshēn de yìsi yě jiùshì 这个引火上身的意思也就是 This 引火上身 also means 害了自己 [害了自己] Hài le zìjǐ, 自找麻煩 [自找麻烦] zì zhǎo máfan, 自找苦吃zì zhǎo kǔ chī 自作自受 Zì zuò zì shòu,玩火自焚 wán huǒ zìfén Synonym 同意詞: 惹火燒身 = 引火燒身 = 招災惹禍 = 招引災禍 Rěhuǒshāoshēn = yǐnhuǒshāoshēn = zhāozāi rěhuò = zhāoyǐn zāihuò 惹火烧身= 引火烧身= 招灾惹祸= 招引灾祸 For example 例子 [contohnya]: 你在大街上看到有人吵架, 上去勸解,結果被吵架的雙方齊罵. 你就是引火上身 Nǐ zài dàjiē shàng kàn dào yǒur

背着着厚重壳的蜗牛 [Translated - carrying heavy sheell of snail]

背著著厚重殼的蝸牛 Snail carrying a heavy shell, from the ground constantly hikes to the roof of 10 floor building. 蝸牛背著厚重的殼, 從地面不停地爬到10樓的頂端, When seeng a titmouse, he asks him “titmouse, don’t you live at forest mountain, Why do you come to this place?” 一眼看見山雀,問道: “山雀,你不待在山林, 來這兒幹啥?” When The Mountain tit look at the snail, 山雀一轉臉,看到了蝸牛, surprisely said to him 驚訝地說: “ow, you’ve already been on the roof” “哦,你爬到樓頂啦!” The snail stick out his antena and say: 蝸牛伸長了兩根觸角說: “you have a pair of wings which can fly, meanwhile I carrying a heavy tough shell, do you think that I can not climb up this roof building? “你有一對飛翔的翅膀, 我背著一個厚重的硬殼, 你就以為我不能爬上這樓的頂端嗎?” Poecile atricapillus shooking his head and say 山雀搖搖頭說: You carrying heavy tough shell Hardly to climb up You are so dumb! Why dont you just throw off your tough shell, Empty relief to head [to forward] “你背著厚重的硬殼, 艱難地爬行, 多蠢笨啊! 為何不甩掉硬殼,輕裝前進呢?” The nail shrinking his body inside the tough shell And then he immediately crop out again from inside Shaking his

背着着厚重壳的蜗牛 [carrying heavy sheell of snail]

背着着厚重壳的蜗牛 Wō niú bèi zhe hòu zhòng de ké, cóng dì miàn bù tíng de pá dào 10 lóu de dǐng duān, 蜗牛背着厚重的壳, 从地面不停地爬到10楼的顶端, yì yǎn kàn jiàn shān què, wèn dào: “Shānquè, nǐ bù dāi zài shānlín, lái zhèer gàn shá?” 一眼看见山雀,问道: “山雀,你不呆在山林,来这儿干啥?” Shān què yí zhuàn liǎn, kàn dào le wō niú, jīng yà de shuō: “Ó, nǐ pá dào lóu dǐng la!” 山雀一转脸,看到了蜗牛,惊讶地说: “哦,你爬到楼顶啦!” Wō niú shēn cháng le liǎng gēn chù jiǎo shuō: “Nǐ yǒu yí duì fēi xiáng de chì bǎng, wǒ bèi zhe yí gè hòu zhòng de yìng ké, nǐ jiù yǐ wéi wǒ bù néng pá shàng zhè lóu de dǐng duān ma?” 蜗牛伸长了两根触角说: “你有一对飞翔的翅膀, 我背着一个厚重的硬壳, 你就以为我不能爬上这楼的顶端吗?” Shān què yáo yáo tóu shuō: “Nǐ bèi zhe hòu zhòng de yìng ké, jiān nán de páxíng, duō chǔn bèn a! Wèi shà bù shuǎi diào yìng ké, qīng zhuāng qián jìn ne?” 山雀摇摇头说: “你背着厚重的硬壳,艰难地爬行, 多蠢笨啊!为啥不甩掉硬壳,轻装前进呢?” Wō niú jiāng shēn zi suō jìn le yìng ké li, rán hòu yòu hěn kuài zuān chū yìng ké, Huàng dòng zhe liǎng gēn chù jiǎo shuō: 蜗牛将身子缩进了硬壳里, 然后又很快钻出硬壳, 晃动着两根触角说: “Wǒ néng pá dào zhè zuò lóu de dǐngduān, yīng guī

How to say "you shouldn't long as....that's ok then"

不用...,只要...就...了 dont need to..., just to...then it will be ... for example 例子 [contohnya] : 你不用怕不能進去電影院,只要帶上電影票就行了 其實我們不用跟別人相比, 只要用功讀書妳就會得到高分了 做文章不用多麼完美,只要妳寫得很生動就可以了 爸爸的事業你不用多管,只要好好做你的工作部分我就放寬心了 Nǐ bùyòng pà bùnéng jìnqù diànyǐngyuàn, zhǐyào dài shàng diànyǐng piào jiùxíng le Qíshí wǒmen bùyòng gēn biérén xiāng bǐ, zhǐyào yònggōng dúshū nǎi jiù huì dédào gāo fēn le Zuò wénzhāng bùyòng duōme wánměi, zhǐyào nǎi xiě de hěn shēngdòng jiù kěyǐ le Bà ba de shìyè nǐ bùyòng duō guǎn, zhǐyào hǎohǎo zuò nǐ de gōngzuò bùfèn wǒ jiù fàngkuān xīn le 你不用怕不能进去电影院,只要带上电影票就行了. 其实我们不用跟别人相比, 只要用功读书妳就会得到高分了. 做文章不用多么完美,只要妳写得很生动就可以了. 爸爸的事业你不用多管,只要好好做你的工作部分我就放宽心了. you no need to be scared of not allowed to get into the cinema, as long as you bring the ticket actually we no need to compare with other, as long as we study hard, we'll get high rank. write an article no need so perfect, as long as you can write a story vividly [as if it is real] then it is ok. you no need to take care father's business,

How to say "you shouldn't long as....that's ok then"

不用...,只要...就...了 dont need to..., just to...then it will be ... for example 例子 [contohnya] : 你不用怕不能進去電影院,只要帶上電影票就行了 其實我們不用跟別人相比, 只要用功讀書妳就會得到高分了 做文章不用多麼完美,只要妳寫得很生動就可以了 爸爸的事業你不用多管,只要好好做你的工作部分我就放寬心了 Nǐ bùyòng pà bùnéng jìnqù diànyǐngyuàn, zhǐyào dài shàng diànyǐng piào jiùxíng le Qíshí wǒmen bùyòng gēn biérén xiāng bǐ, zhǐyào yònggōng dúshū nǎi jiù huì dédào gāo fēn le Zuò wénzhāng bùyòng duōme wánměi, zhǐyào nǎi xiě de hěn shēngdòng jiù kěyǐ le Bà ba de shìyè nǐ bùyòng duō guǎn, zhǐyào hǎohǎo zuò nǐ de gōngzuò bùfèn wǒ jiù fàngkuān xīn le 你不用怕不能进去电影院,只要带上电影票就行了. 其实我们不用跟别人相比, 只要用功读书妳就会得到高分了. 做文章不用多么完美,只要妳写得很生动就可以了. 爸爸的事业你不用多管,只要好好做你的工作部分我就放宽心了. you no need to be scared of not allowed to get into the cinema, as long as you bring the ticket actually we no need to compare with other, as long as we study hard, we'll get high rank. write an article no need so perfect, as long as you can write a story vividly [as if it is real] then it is ok. you no need to take care father's business,

Previous Question - 問答

MULTIPLE CHOICE - 問答 [143] How to say "signature" in Chinese language? Bagaimana mengucapkan "tanda tangan" dlm bhs Mandarin? a. 手機 Shǒu jī b. 簽名 Qiān míng c. 證明 Zhèng míng d. 手臂 Shǒu bì e. 筆畫 Bǐ huà f. 帳戶 Zhàng hù Simplified Character a. 手机 b. 签名 c. 证明 d. 手臂 e. 笔画 f. 帐户 The Answer is _____ a. 手機 Shǒu jī = cellphone [handphone] b. 簽名 Qiān míng = signature [tandatangan] c. 證明 Zhèng míng = proof [bukti] d. 手臂 Shǒu bì = arm [lengan] e. 筆畫 Bǐ huà = stroke in chinese character [guratan] f. 帳戶 Zhàng hù = account for Bank, computer, etc

How to say "'s also known as..."

...又稱為... ...又称为... Noun + Yòu chēng wéi + noun ...亦稱為... ...亦称为... noun + Yì chēng wéi + noun 亦 = 又 [also] juga 稱為 = 稱作 chēngzuò / 稱做 chēngzuò [known as] disebut sebagai for example 例子 [contohnya] 鉑金亦稱為白金 铂金亦称为白金 Bó yì chēng wéi báijīn po [platinum] is also known as White metal [platinum] 荷蘭盾又稱為盾 荷兰盾又称为盾 Hélán dùn yòu chēng wéi dùn Dutch Gulden is also known as Gulden Gulden belanda juga dikenal sebagai Tun [Gulden] 衣物又稱為衣服 衣物又称为衣服 Yīwù yòu chēng wéi yīfu clothing is also known as clothes pakaian juga dikenal sebagai baju See Also 1. the Grammar list in This Page 2. and all grammar posting in our new Page

How to say "'s also known as..."

...又稱為... ...又称为... Noun + Yòu chēng wéi + noun ...亦稱為... ...亦称为... noun + Yì chēng wéi + noun 亦 = 又 [also] juga 稱為 = 稱作 chēngzuò / 稱做 chēngzuò [known as] disebut sebagai for example 例子 [contohnya] 鉑金亦稱為白金 铂金亦称为白金 Bó yì chēng wéi báijīn po [platinum] is also known as White metal [platinum] 荷蘭盾又稱為盾 荷兰盾又称为盾 Hélán dùn yòu chēng wéi dùn Dutch Gulden is also known as Gulden Gulden belanda juga dikenal sebagai Tun [Gulden] 衣物又稱為衣服 衣物又称为衣服 Yīwù yòu chēng wéi yīfu clothing is also known as clothes pakaian juga dikenal sebagai baju

Conversation 7 [+audio]

Yòng diànhuà lái dìng fáng 用电话来订房 Calling for room reservation Fúwùyuán: Nín hǎo, huānyíng láidiàn xǐlái dēng dà fàndiàn, běndiàn hěn gāoxìng wèi nín fúwù 服务员: 您好, 感谢来电喜来登大饭店, 本饭店很高兴为您服务 Service center : how are you? Thank you for calling Sheraton Hotel, we are ready to serve you. Dòuzhìkǒng: Wèi, nǐ hǎo. Wǒ xiǎng dìng sì yuè sān hào dào shí hào de yī jiàn shuāngrén fáng 窦智孔: 喂,你好. 我想订四月三号到十号的一间双人房 Hello, I’d like to book a double bed room for 3rd to 10th april Fúwùyuán: Hǎo de 服务员 : 好的 Ok Dòuzhìkǒng: Qǐng nǐ bāng wǒ kàn kàn shìfǒu yǒu kòng fáng? 窦智孔 : 请你帮我看看是否有空房? Please check it if there’s still a room for me? Fúwùyuán: Qǐngwèn, nín guìxìng? 服务员 : 请问,您贵姓? i’m sorry sir, your name please? Dòuzhìkǒng: Wǒ xìng dòu, dòuzhìkǒng 窦智孔 : 我姓窦, 窦智孔 I’m tou, tou chi khong [japanese : itemekewo] Fúwùyuán: Hǎo de, dòu xiānshēng, qǐng shāo děng yīhuǐer [qǐng shāo děng yīxià] 服务员: 好的, 窦先生, 请稍等一会儿[请稍等一下] well, Mr Tou, please wait a moment. Dòuzhìkǒng: Hǎo de. 窦智孔 : 好的. Ok Fúwùyuán: Dòu xiānshēng, bù

Conversation 7 [+audio]

Yòng diànhuà lái dìng fáng 用电话来订房 Calling for room reservation Fúwùyuán: Nín hǎo, huānyíng láidiàn xǐlái dēng dà fàndiàn, běndiàn hěn gāoxìng wèi nín fúwù 服务员: 您好, 感谢来电喜来登大饭店, 本饭店很高兴为您服务 Service center : how are you? Thank you for calling Sheraton Hotel, we are ready to serve you. Dòuzhìkǒng: Wèi, nǐ hǎo. Wǒ xiǎng dìng sì yuè sān hào dào shí hào de yī jiàn shuāngrén fáng 窦智孔: 喂,你好. 我想订四月三号到十号的一间双人房 Hello, I’d like to book a double bed room for 3rd to 10th april Fúwùyuán: Hǎo de 服务员 : 好的 Ok Dòuzhìkǒng: Qǐng nǐ bāng wǒ kàn kàn shìfǒu yǒu kòng fáng? 窦智孔 : 请你帮我看看是否有空房? Please check it if there’s still a room for me? Fúwùyuán: Qǐngwèn, nín guìxìng? 服务员 : 请问,您贵姓? i’m sorry sir, your name please? Dòuzhìkǒng: Wǒ xìng dòu, dòuzhìkǒng 窦智孔 : 我姓窦, 窦智孔 I’m tou, tou chi khong [japanese : itemekewo] Fúwùyuán: Hǎo de, dòu xiānshēng, qǐng shāo děng yīhuǐer [qǐng shāo děng yīxià] 服务员: 好的, 窦先生, 请稍等一会儿[请稍等一下] well, Mr Tou, please wait a moment. Dòuzhìkǒng: Hǎo de. 窦智孔 : 好的. Ok Fúwùyuán: Dòu xiānshēng, bù

Special Sentence - Things we should do

甚麼該做,甚麼不該做 什么该做,什么不该做 Shé me gāi zuò, shé me bù gāi zuò shén me gāi zuò, shén me bù gāi zuò translation: what should we do and what we should not do. Apa yang harus dilakukan dan apa yang seharusnya tidak dilakukan 什么 Shé me = 甚麼Shén me = what [apa] 该 = 應該 [应该] yīng gāi = should [seharusnya] 做 zuò = do [something] melakukan [sesuatu] 不bù = not to [tidak untuk] for example 例子 [contohnya]: 你呀! 做事怎麼那麼不小心.  你要知道什麼事該做,什麼事不該做. 你呀! 做事怎么那么不小心.  你要知道什么事该做,什么事不该做. Nǐ ya! Zuòshì zěnme nàme bù xiǎoxīn. Nǐ yào zhīdào shénme shì gāi zuò, shénme shì bù gāi zuò. You! How come you do the task carelessly. You should know what to do and what you shouldn’t do. Kamu ini! Bagaimana bisa melakukan kerjaan dengan semberono. Seharusnya engkau tahu apa yang harus dilakukan dan apa yang seharusnya tidak dilakukan. 分析解釋 [analysis] 甚麼 shén me = 疑問代詞  [interrogation or question word] before mandarin in China changed the original character in around 1950’s become simplified character which eversince used by people i


有時候他們兩個是一樣的意思. 比較 的意思就是 有兩種或著兩種以上 同類的事物”辨別異同或高下” 比如說 :  這些東西比較起來, 這塊的顏色和品質是好的東西. 第二是表示有肯定的程度, 比如說 : 這篇文章寫得比較有意義. 更 [去聲]   是”再或者越发”的意思 比如說 :   事到如今已變成了更加難辦了 其實有時候同樣的意思,  還要看你怎麼說 比如說 那位女士解釋得 比較 清楚 那位女士解釋得 更 清楚 這兩個意思是同類的 但是你不可以說  “這些東西更起來,....” 在此你要用比較才對的  “這些東西比較起來,...”

How to say "instead of A, it is better B"

與其...[還]不如... Yǔqí...[Hái] bùrú... 与其...[还]不如... doing not as good as doing ... daripada...mendingan... for example 例句 [contoh kalimat] : 我與其整天待在家,還不如出去走走 我与其整天待在家,还不如出去走走 Wǒ yǔqí zhěng tiān dài zàijiā, hái bùrú chūqù zǒu zǒu instead of being at home whole day, it's better go out strolling around daripada seharian dirumah saja, mendingan keluar jalan jalan 我與其一個人去百貨公司,還不如在家裡睡覺 我与其一个人去百货公司,还不如在家里睡觉 Wǒ yǔqí yígè rén qù bǎihuò gōngsī, hái bùrú zài jiālǐ shuìjiào instead going to department stote alone, it's better be at home sleeping. daripada sendirian ke departemen store, mendingan dirumah saja tidur. See Also 1. the Grammar list in This Page 2. and all grammar posting in our new Page