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Showing posts from April, 2016

Strike a Pose 裝腔作勢

Original Script “裝腔作勢” Zhuāng qiāng zuò shì 這個辭形容人故意做作 zhè ge cí xíng róng rén gù yì zuò zuo 近義辭:矯揉造作 jìn yì cí: Jiǎo róu zào zuò 反義辭:純真自然 fǎn yì cí: Chún zhēn zì rán 例句 lì jù: 那個人只敢對弱小者裝腔作勢, 看見比他高大強壯的時候, 他就夾著尾巴而跑。膽小鬼! Nà gèrén zhǐ gǎn duì ruòxiǎo zhě zhuāngqiāngzuòshì, kànjiàn bǐ tā gāodà qiángzhuàng de shíhòu, tā jiù jiāzhe wěibā ér pǎo. Dǎnxiǎoguǐ! Simplified Script “装腔作势” 这个辞形容人故意做作 近义辞:矫揉造作 反义辞:纯真自然 例句: 那个人只敢对弱小者装腔作势,看见比他高大强壮的时候,他就夹着尾巴而跑。 Word Bank 裝 - 假装 jià Zhuāng = pretend, disguise, fake 腔 qiāng = speech 做作 zuò zuò = to act like someone, imitate, acting 勢 Shì[架势 jià shì or 姿势 zī shì]= posture 作势 = strike a pose 辭 - 詞 cí = words 形容 xíng róng = describe 人 rén - 一個人 yí ge rén = a person 故意 = intentionally 矯揉造作 = Strike a pose [the act of pretending to be outstanding or good, but actually he/she is not] 純真 chún zhēn = pure and faithful 自然 zì rán = nature, naturally 例句 lì jù = illustrative sentence 只 - 衹 zhǐ = only, merely 敢 gǎn = dare to 對 duì = towards 弱小 ruò xiǎo = week and sma

Name of Nation Countries of Europe in Mandarin

Find some of these countries on the map provided here and write the Chinese Name of these countries: 1. France 2. Germany 3. England 4. Belarus 5. Switzerland 6. Spain 7. Portugal 8. Italy 9. Sweden 10. Finland Choose some of the countries name and make a short story about those countries [writing: min. 50 characters]