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Vocabulary 1.2 [简化字 Simplified]

传说【Chuán shuō】 = legend.
身不由己【Shēn bù yóu jǐ】 = cant help doing it.
舔吮【Tiǎn shǔn】 = lick and suck.
格【Gé】 = pattern, frame, rule.
转动【Zhuǎn dòng】 = turn.
转变【Zhuǎn biàn】 = change, alter become other [mentally]
甲【Jiǎ】 = armor, A, methyl.
停业【Tíng yè】 = close down, stop business.
飘浮【Piāo fú】 = float, hover.
落叶【Luò yè】 = deciduous.
协助【Xié zhù】 = to give assistance, aid, provide assistance.
不以为然【Bù yǐ wéi rán】 = not approve [objection], take exception to.
呼吁【Hū yù】 = to call on someone to do something.
婚礼【Hūn lǐ】 = wedding.
钱财【Qián cái】 = wealthy, money.
行业【Háng yè】 = profession, industry, business.
赚钱【Zhuàn qián】 = earn money.
挣钱【Zhèng qián】 = to make money.
傲慢【Ào màn】 = arrogant 【haughty】
劝告【Quàn gào】 = advise.
证券公司【Zhèng juàn gōng sī】 = stocks and bonds Company.
证券【Zhèng juàn】 = negotiable security (financial); certificate; stocks and bonds
不放在眼里【Bù fàng zài yǎn lǐ】 =
才能【Cái néng】 = talent, ability.
能力【Néng lì】 = capability, ability.
经理【Jīng lǐ】 = manager, director.
高位置【Gāo wèi zhì】 = high position.
灾难【Zāi nán】 = disaster.
德性【Dé xìng】 = morality.
德行【Dé xíng】 = morality and conduct.
担负责任【Dān fù zé rèn】 = take an responsibility.
承担任务【Chéng dān rèn wù】 = to assume / bear the task or responsibility.
收入【Shōu rù】 = income.
价值观【Jià zhí guān】 = value theory
举个例子【Jǔ gè lì zi】 = give example.
劈里啪啦【Pī li pā lā】 = to crackle (of firecrackers etc) (onomatopoeia); to splutter
劈里啪啦【Pī li pā lā】 = to crackle (of firecrackers etc) (onomatopoeia); to splutter
批哩啪啦【Pī li pā lā】 = to crackle (of firecrackers etc) (onomatopoeia); to splutter
当时【dàng shí】 = at that time.
国际【Guó jì】 = international.
公寓【Gōng yù】 = apartment, condominium.
一点儿都不心疼【yì diǎnr dōu bù xīn téng】 = not even feel a pity on ..., totally not care about....
正常【Zhèng cháng】 = normal.
异常【Yì cháng】 = abnormal.
澳大利亚【Ào dà lì yǎ】 – 澳洲【Ào zhōu】 = Australia.
公公婆婆【Gōng gong pó po】 = parents in law.
平米【Píng mǐ】 – 平方米【Píng fāng mǐ】 = square meter.
在一起【Zài yì qǐ】; 一起【yì qǐ】 = together.
草坪【Cǎo píng】 = lawn.
越来越【Yuè lái yuè】 = more, getting more...
过后【Guò hòu】 = after the event.
带来【Dài lái】 = bring.
什麽【Shén me / Shé me】 = what.
跑马车【Pǎo mǎ chē】 = BMW.
不担心【Bù dān xīn】– 不怕【bú pà】 = not worry [not afraid]
违背【Wéi bèi】 = to be contrary to 【to violate rules, etc.】

Original script [正体字 - 繁体字]


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