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Proudly introduce you [Taiwan]

Tam Kang University [TKU]
Dàn jiāng dà xué
[red as : tΛn cyΛng]

Tamkang University’s Triple objectives: Globalization, Information-oriented Education, and Future-oriented Education, was born out of the foresight of Tamkang’s founder, Dr. Clement C. P. Chang. He states that, “since the founding of the university, Tamkang has set ‘Globalization, Information-oriented Education, and Future-oriented Education’ as main objectives. The final goal is to attain quality research, improve instruction and enhance social welfare.”

Location is not the center of the city, it is near 淡江 district
Where you can found a beauty sight of sea-side.
tΛn cyΛng university is well known throughout Taiwan and best private university
And in 50th rank of best Asia University where students are from 26 countries.

Liberal Arts
Department of Chinese
Department of History
Department of Information and Library Science
Department of Mass Communication
Department of Information and Communication

Department of Mathematics
Department of Physics
Department of Chemistry

Department of Architecture
Department of Civil Engineering
Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
Department of Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering
Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering

Department of Banking and Finance
Department of Insurance
Department of International Business
Department of Industrial Economics
Department of Economics

Department of Accounting
Department of Statistics
Department of Business Administration
Department of Information Management
Department of Transportation Management
Department of Public Administration
Department of Management Sciences

Foreign Languages and Literatures
Department of English
Department of Spanish
Department of French
Department of German
Department of Japanese
Department of Russian

International Studies
Graduate Institute of European Studies
Graduate Institute of the Americas
Graduate Institute of Asian Studies
Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies
Graduate Institute of Mainland China Studies

Department of Educational Technology
Graduate Institute of Educational Policy and Leadership
Graduate Institute of Educational Psychology and Counseling
Graduate Institute of Futures Studies
Center for Teacher Eucation
Center for General Education and Core Curriculum
Graduate Institute of Curriculum and Instruction

Global Entrepreneurial Development
Department of Innovative Information and Technology
Department of International Tourism Management
Department of Multicultural and Linguistic Studies
Department of Global Political Economics

Here are some information for further questions:
Dan shui [red as: tΛn sway] campus
Administration Building, room A301
151 ying zhuan rd, Dan Shui District
Taipei City, Taiwan, 251 ROC
Fax no: 886 + 2 + 26223204
Email :

Office of Student Affairs
Contact :Chen Ruey-Er
Tel : 886-2-26232714
Fax : 886-2-86311416

[for Indonesia only]
Please contact The Jakarta “Taipei Economic and Trade Office” to get further information about taiwan university

Location :  Kawasan Niaga Terpadu Sudirman  (SCBD- Sudirman Central Business District)
Gadung Artha Graha, 17th Floor, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Jakarta pusat 12190 Indonesia
[P.O.Box 2922]
Tel:(002-62-21) 5153939
Fax:(002-62-21) 5154626
Representative: Sui-chi Lin


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