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I am Tao. My English name is Angela. I am 17 years old. I am from Taipei First Girls' High School. I come from a well-to-do family. My mother passed away when I was in my first junior high year. My father is a computer engineer and remarried three years ago. My stepmother is an elementary school teacher. So I have a sweet stepbrother, who is now in the sixth grade. My grandparents live with us as well. My family get along pretty well.

Throughout my school years, my academic results have always been pretty good, except in the second half of the first year and the first half of the second year. It is because my mother's death was such a trauma to me. It took me more than a year to get better. My father was afraid that I would turn bad after that. So he encouraged me to join many extra-curricular activities. He sent me to piano class, ballet class and art class.

His purpose was that through music and art, I would find a way to release my pain so that my heart would be comforted. I am very grateful to my father's caring and thoughtful consideration. Ever since then, music is my spiritual guide and gradually becomes my most intimate companion. I then practice the piano very hard and make up my mind to become a pianist.

In my high school years, I have taken any chance to participate in school activities. I join the choir and jazz club, both clubs offering plenty of contests and performances for many occasions. We have won many contests and had been invited by the Mayor to perform in City Hall. I am also the member of art club, for I enjoy sketching and painting very much.

Every time when I have chance, I would go to the music theater to listen to symphony and orchestra performances. There is not once I would not be moved by the music. I really admire those musicians' talent, passion and dedication to music. I wish one day I would be able to become one of them, performing on the stage and touring around the world. That's my passion and expectation to myself. I hope you would give me a chance to fulfill it.


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