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zhu4 Zhou4 wei2 nüe4
1 lit. helping tyrant Zhou 商 紂 王 Shāng Zhòuwáng [商紂王] in his oppression (idiom)
2 fig. to take the side of the evildoer
3 giving succor to the enemy

黄河流域 [黃河流域]
Huang2 He2 liu2 yu4
the Yellow River basin

grave; tomb; mausoleum
Mǎ kè sī mù
Marx's grave
Liè níng mù
the Lenin Mausoleum

金缕玉衣 [金縷玉衣]
jin1 lü3 yu4 yi1
archaeology jade clothes sewn with gold thread
色香味俱全 [色香味俱全]
se4 xiang1 wei4 ju4 quan2
to smell, look and taste great

1 attain (a high level)
交通日臻便利。 [Jiāo tōng rì zhēn biàn lì.]
Transportation and communications are becoming easier day by day.
方法日臻完善 。[Fāng fǎ rì zhēn wán shàn. ]
The methods are being perfected.
2 reach; arrive 百福并臻。 [Bǎi fú bìng zhēn.] May every blessing descend upon you!

华夏 [華夏]
Hua2 xia4
archaic name for 中國 Zhōng guó
场面[場面] chang3 mian4
1 scene (in drama, fiction, etc.); spectacle
電影裡的動人場面 Diànyǐng lǐ de dòngrén chǎngmiàn
a moving scene in a film
油畫再現了紅軍過雪山的雄偉場面 。
Yóu huà zài xiàn le Hóng jūn guò xuě shān de xióng wěi chǎng miàn.
The painting conjures up the grand spectacle of the Red Army crossing the snowcapped mountains.
作者很善於描寫大的場面。 Zuò zhě hěn shàn yú miáo xiě dà de chǎng miàn.
The author is adept in depicting grand scenes.
2 occasion; scene 盛大的場面 Shèng dà de chǎng miàn
a grand occasion 熱烈友好的場面 rè liè yǒu hǎo de chǎngmiàn
a scene of warm friendship
3 appearance; front; facade ▶ 撐場面 chēng chǎng miàn; 弥补[彌補] mi2 bu3
make up; remedy; make good 彌補損失 mí bǔ sǔn shī make up for
(or make good) a loss
彌補缺陷 mí bǔ quē xiàn remedy a defect
無法彌補的損失 wú fǎ mí bǔ de sǔn shī: an irreparable loss
彌補赤字 mí bǔ chì zì make up (or meet) a deficit
學習別人的優點, 彌補自己的不足
xué xí bié ren de yōu diǎn, mí bǔ zì jǐ de bù zú
learn from other people's strong points to counteract one's own weaknesses
密布[密布] mi4 bu4 be densely covered
陰雲密布。 Yīn yún mì bù. The sky was overcast or Dark clouds were gathering.
礁石密布 Jiāo shí mì bù be thick with reefs
疗伤[療傷] liao2 shang1
1 healing
2 to heal
3 to make healthy again

fu4 yu4
prosperous; well-to-do; well-off
日子過得挺富裕 rìzi guò de tǐng fù yù
lead a well-to-do life
Zhōng guó nóng mín yī tiān tiān fù yù qǐ lai le.
Peasants in China are getting more prosperous day by day.

fu4 yu4 zhong1 nong2
well-to-do middle peasant
Xiong1 nu2
the Huns, an ancient nationality in China

ti2 chang4
advocate; promote; encourage; recommend
tí chàng wǎn hūn hé jì huà shēng yù
advocate late marriage and family planning
tí chàng shuō Pǔ tōng huà
promote the use of putonghua
tí chàng qín jiǎn jiàn guó
spread the idea of building the country through diligence and thrift
tí chàng fèng xiàn jīng shén
encourage the spirit of self-devotion
Zhè zhǒng zuò fǎ zhí de tí chàng.
This method deserves recommendation.
ba4 chu4 bai3 jia1, du2 zun1 ru2 shu4
Dismiss the hundred schools,
revere only the Confucian (idiom)
2 sole dominant ideology

huo2 yue4
1 brisk; active; dynamic
Shì chǎng huó yuè.
Business is brisk.
聽到這消息, 大家頓時活躍起來。
Tīng dào zhè xiāo xi, dà jiā dùn shí huó yuè qǐ lai.
Everybody got excited at the news.
Zhè xiē qīng nián de sī xiǎng hěn huó yuè.
These young people have active minds.
Tā shì gōng huì de huó yuè fèn zǐ.
She's active in the trade union.

2 enliven; animate; invigorate
Huó yuè wén yú shēng huó
liven up cultural and recreational activities
活躍會場氣氛 huóyuè huìchǎng qìfēn
enliven the atmosphere of the meeting
活躍城鄉物資交流 huóyuè chéng-xiāng wùzī jiāoliú
stimulate the interchange of urban and rural products
活躍經濟 huóyuè jīngjì
revitalize the economy


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