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中原石油勘探局鑽井一公司位於濮陽清豐馬莊橋鎮。30年風雨兼程,唱響中原油田的發現、開發改革與 發展,鑽井一公司聆聽著東濮凹陷早期勘探的號子,踏著三年勘探會戰、四年滾動開發會戰、三年科技攻關會戰和鑽井體製改革的鼓點一路走來,以敢為天下先的拓 荒精神和果敢勇氣,開辟了東北、陝北、內蒙、川東北等國內市場,並成功進軍蘇丹、蒙古、毛裡塔尼亞等國際市場,成長為中原油田鑽井技術力量雄濃、裝備水平 精良、人才隊伍優秀、服務手段齊全的專業化鑽井公司。
近年來,公司以“盡心盡責盡力,務實創新發展”為精神 指針,提出“凝心聚力,打造中國石油工程鐵軍;勵精圖治,創建國際知名鑽井公司”的口號大力實施名牌戰略、科技戰略、裝備戰略、人才戰略、市場戰略、企業 文化戰略六大發展戰略,使公司科技實力、裝備實力和隊伍素質逐年提高。先後攻克了深井鑽井、調整井、水平井、水平分支井及特殊工藝井等施工技術難題,逐步 形成和完善了一套高科技含量的鑽井配套技術。先後被授予河南省先進基層黨組織、省級文明單位、省級衛生先進單位和全國首批管理創新示范單位。
Word bank 2
近年来1,公司2以3“尽4心5尽6责7尽力8,务实9创新10发展11"为12精神13 指针14,提出15“凝16心17聚18力19,打20造21中国22石油23工程24铁25军26;励27精28图29治30,创建31国际32知名33钻34井35公司36"的37口号38大力39实施40名牌41战略42、科技43战略44、装备45战略46、人才47战略48、市场49战略50、企业51 文52
1.近年来 jìn nián lái for the past few years
2.公司 gōng sī (business) company / company / firm / corporation / incorporated
4. 尽 jìn to use up / to exhaust / to end / to finish / to the utmost / exhausted / finished / to the limit (of sth)
jǐn to the utmost
5.心 xīn heart / mind
7.责 zé duty / responsibility / to reproach / to blame
8.尽力 jìn lì do one's best (effort) / strive as much as possible
9.务实 wù shí pragmatic / dealing with concrete issues
10.创新 chuàng xīn bring forth new ideas / blaze new trails
11.发展 fā zhǎn development / growth / to develop / to grow / to expand
13.精神 jīng shén vigor / vitality / drive / spiritual / mental / psychological
14.指针 zhǐ zhēn pointer on a gauge / clock hand / cursor
15.提出 tí chū to raise (an issue) / to propose / to put forward / to post (Usenet)
16.凝 níng congeal / concentrate attention
zhù stand transfixed; stand still waiting
17.心 xīn heart / mind
18.聚 jù form gathering / gatherjù yōu commit incest
19.力 lì power / force / strength
20.打 dá dozendǎ beat / strike / break / mix up / build / fight / fetch / make / tie up / issue / shoot / calculate / since / fromdǎ xián to be unemployed
21.造 zào to make / to build / to invent / to manufacture
打造 to make / to turn out to be / to cause
22.中国 zhōng guó China / Chinese
23.石油 shí yóu oil / petroleum
24.工程 gōng chéng engineering / an engineering project / project / undertaking
25.铁 tiě iron
26.军 jūn army / military / armsjūn
tái formerly, an officer responsible for the transmission of military intelligence and messages
铁军 = an invincible troops [pasukan takterkalahkan/kuat]
27.励 lì exhort
28.精 jīng energy / perfect / excellent / refined / very / proficientjīng hé carefully checked
29.图 tú diagram / to plan / picture / drawing / chart
30.治 zhì to rule / to govern / to manage / to control / to harness (a river) / cure / treatment / to heal
励精图治 = to make great efforts to build a strong state [mengerahkan segala kekuatan dalam membangun sebuah negara yang kuat]
31.创建 chuàng jiàn to found / to establish [mendirikan / membangun [image]]
32.国际 guó jì international
33.知名 zhī míng well known / famous
34.钻 zuān enter (a hole) / probezuàn an auger / diamond
35.井 jǐng warn / well jǐng tarer a raised platform by the side of a well
36.公司 gōng sī (business) company / company / firm / corporation / incorporated
37.的 dì aim / clearde (possessive particle) / ofdí really and truly
38.口号 kǒu hào slogan / catchphrase
创建国际知名钻井公司的口号 = to build a good image of well known international
39.大力 dà lì energetic / vigorous [great efforts] – dengan semangat dan usaha keras
40.实施 shí shī to implement / to carry out [yang membawa / mengimplementasikan]
41.名牌 míng pái famous brand [merek ternama; terkemuka]
43.科技 kē jì science and technology
46.战略 zhàn lüè strategy
47.人才 rén cái talented person [orang orang yang bertalenta]
49.市场 shì chǎng market
51.企业 qǐ yè company / firm / enterprise [perusahaan]
go to 鑽井公司簡介 【3】
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