Today we provide several felicity for this
upcomming new year, hope this will useful for us.
Sìjì píng'ān
Wish safe and well in 4 seasons.
[always safe and sound]
Selamat sejahtera selalu
六六大順 【六六大顺】
Liùliù dà shùn
Wish everything goes well and smoothly
Semoga segala hal berjalan lancar
Xīn xiǎng shì chéng
Wish all your wishes come true
Moga apa yang menjadi pengharapan kita selama ini menjadi kenyataan
馬到成功 【马到成功】
to win success immediately upon arrival;
to gain an immediate victory;
segera mendapatkan kesuksesan.
like the sun at high noon;
at the apex (zenith) of one's power, career, etc.;
very influential
karir makin sukses dan berpengaruh.
生意興隆 【生意兴隆】
Shēngyì xīnglóng [shēngyì xīnglóng]
Wish your business do good [good selling]
Penjualanan yang sukses [banyak pelanggan]
闔家歡樂 【合家欢乐】
Héjiā huānlè
You and family live in happy and joy.
Sekeluarga bahagia
Tiānxià tàipíng
The world is at peace
Dunia tentram dan sentosa
upcomming new year, hope this will useful for us.
Hari ini kami memberikan beberapa ungkapan untuk
Tahun baru dihari esok, semoga berguna buat kita semua.
三陽開泰 【三阳开泰】
Sān yáng kāi tài
An auspicious beginning of a new years;
the opening of nature in spring;
a surge of good luck
Awal tahun baru yang penuh rezeki
Sān yáng kāi tài
An auspicious beginning of a new years;
the opening of nature in spring;
a surge of good luck
Awal tahun baru yang penuh rezeki
Sìjì píng'ān
Wish safe and well in 4 seasons.
[always safe and sound]
Selamat sejahtera selalu
五福臨門 【五福临门】
Wǔfú línmén
Wish “longevity”,
“peaceful and happiness”, and
“having children”
arrive right before your door house
[wish all luck, joy and prosperity be yours]
Semoga 5 kebahagiaan menjadi milik anda
Kebahagiaan dari
“usia panjang”
“karir yang menanjak”
“kedamaian dan kegembiraan” serta
“memiliki anak”
Wǔfú línmén
Wish “longevity”,
“peaceful and happiness”, and
“having children”
arrive right before your door house
[wish all luck, joy and prosperity be yours]
Semoga 5 kebahagiaan menjadi milik anda
Kebahagiaan dari
“usia panjang”
“karir yang menanjak”
“kedamaian dan kegembiraan” serta
“memiliki anak”
六六大順 【六六大顺】
Liùliù dà shùn
Wish everything goes well and smoothly
Semoga segala hal berjalan lancar
All Perfect.
All Perfect.
Xīn xiǎng shì chéng
Wish all your wishes come true
Moga apa yang menjadi pengharapan kita selama ini menjadi kenyataan
一帆風順 【一帆风顺】
Yīfānfēngshùn [yīfānfēngshùn]
Wish you proceed your career smoothly without a hitch;
to sail before the wind.
May you have favorable winds in your sails!
Moga perjalanan berjalan lancar.
Yīfānfēngshùn [yīfānfēngshùn]
Wish you proceed your career smoothly without a hitch;
to sail before the wind.
May you have favorable winds in your sails!
Moga perjalanan berjalan lancar.
馬到成功 【马到成功】
to win success immediately upon arrival;
to gain an immediate victory;
segera mendapatkan kesuksesan.
to become more and more prosperous;
to be on the up-and-up; to be on the thriving hand
makin bertambah kesejahteraannya.
to become more and more prosperous;
to be on the up-and-up; to be on the thriving hand
makin bertambah kesejahteraannya.
like the sun at high noon;
at the apex (zenith) of one's power, career, etc.;
very influential
karir makin sukses dan berpengaruh.
鵬程萬裡 【鹏程万里】
Péng chéng wàn li
(said of those who) have a bright future;
brilliant prospects;
have a bright future;
Masa depan yang cerah
Péng chéng wàn li
(said of those who) have a bright future;
brilliant prospects;
have a bright future;
Masa depan yang cerah
生意興隆 【生意兴隆】
Shēngyì xīnglóng [shēngyì xīnglóng]
Wish your business do good [good selling]
Penjualanan yang sukses [banyak pelanggan]
天倫之樂 【天伦之乐】
Tiānlún zhī lè [tiānlún zhī lè]
You and family especially, live in harmony, cheer and joy.
Sekeluarga harmonis, gembira dan bahagia.
Tiānlún zhī lè [tiānlún zhī lè]
You and family especially, live in harmony, cheer and joy.
Sekeluarga harmonis, gembira dan bahagia.
闔家歡樂 【合家欢乐】
Héjiā huānlè
You and family live in happy and joy.
Sekeluarga bahagia
欣欣向榮 【欣欣向荣】
1. thriving; flourishing; prosperous
2. blossoming
Makin berjaya
Makin maju dan sejahtera
1. thriving; flourishing; prosperous
2. blossoming
Makin berjaya
Makin maju dan sejahtera
Tiānxià tàipíng
The world is at peace
Dunia tentram dan sentosa
繁榮昌盛 【繁荣昌盛】
Fánróng chāngshèng
Thriving and prosperous
Berkembang dan makmur
Fánróng chāngshèng
Thriving and prosperous
Berkembang dan makmur
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