Original Script
強硬態度 【Qiáng yìng tài dù】 = unyielding attitude, stubborn [keras kepala]
措辭強硬 【Cuò cí qiáng yìng】 = strongly worded [ucapan yang keras, maunya ini yah ini]
不擇手段 【 bù zé shǒu duàn】 = unscrupulously, by fair means by foul [ menghalalkan segala cara ]
趟 【Tàng】 = a lap, a trip [satu putaran]
電燈泡 【Diàn dēng pào】 = light – bulp [lampu bohlam]
作用力 【Zuò yòng lì】 = active force, applied force [tekanan kuat – hukum alam, hukum tarik dan berbalik]
疏散 【Shū sàn】 = to scatter, relax by strolling around
疏散措施 【Shū sàn cuò shī】 = to evacuate in building of emergency situation [mengevakuasi dalam gedung pada situasi genting]
調查 【Diào chá】 = investigate [verb], investigation [noun] [ menginvestigasi, mengecek]
冤枉 【Yuān wang】 = to be treat injustice, untrue, being deceived – indicate “to slander” [fitnah]
担保 【dān bǎo】= guarantee, one who guarantee [ penjamin ]
被冤枉 【Bèi yuān wang】 = being slander or libel [difitnah]
譭謗 【Huǐ bàng】- 誹謗 【fěi bàng】 = to slander, say something untrue behind one’s back [memfitnah]
毀滅 【Huǐ miè】 = to perish, to destroy – to ruin without leaves any trace [memusnahkan]
銷毀 【Xiāo huǐ】 = to destroy by melting or burning [memusnahkan dengan membakar ataupun mencairkan]
拋棄 【Pāo qì】 = to give up [someone] – to dump someone [membuang seseorang, maksudnya tidak mau lagi bersama dengan orang itu - ABANDON]
別墅 【Bié shù】 , 【 外郊區之住宅wài jiāo qū zhī zhù zhái】 = villa [rumah villa]
看守 【Kān shǒu】 = to guard [menjaga]
看護 【Kān hù】 = to protect [melindungi]
打不還手,罵不還口 【dǎ bù huán shǒu, mà bù huán kǒu】=
倒楣Dǎo méi 【運氣真不良yùn qì zhēn bù liáng】 = bad luck, unluck [kesialan/ketidakberuntungan]
悠久 【Yōu jiǔ】 = long standing, age-old [sudah lama]
平均壽命 【Píng jūn shòu mìng】 = life expectancy, the average of life span [rata rata usia hidup]
享樂主義 【Xiǎng lè zhǔ yì】 = hedonism [ideology hidup senang]
共享軟體 【Gòng xiǎng ruǎn jiàn】 = [Computer] shareware (Copyrighted software that is available free of charge on a trial basis, usually with the condition that users pay a fee for continued use and support)
股票交易所 【Gǔ piào jiāo yì suǒ】 = share and stocks organization [bursa efek]
股票市場 【Gǔ piào shì chǎng】 = stock market
股東 【Gǔ dōng】 = shareholder [pemegang saham]
凶惡 【Xiōng è】 = ferocious deed [tindakan keji]
兇殘 【Xiōng cán】 = cruel deed [tindakan kejam]
狠 【Hěn】 = fiercely, very [sangat]
狠毒 【Hěn dú】 = vicious and malicious [licik]
柔和 【Róu hé】 = gentle or soft [halus]
柔嫩 【Róu nèn】 = tender, delicate texture. [tektur yang halus]
順和 【Shùn he】 = affable, tender, smooth [Harmonis, bisa mengikuti / get along]
順從 【Shùn cóng】 = to be obedient to; to submit to; to yield to; to bow to; to resign oneself to; to give way to; to come to heel. [menurut, mengikuti nasihat]
待 【Dài】 = to stay, or delay time to stay in somewhere [menginap, menetap untuk sementara]
呆 【Dāi】 = lost in thought, to think something and we see this person no expression [bengong]; stay [menetap]
沾光 【Zhān guāng】 = to enjoy glory too, reflected glory – to bask in the light [kebagian hokinya]
佔先 【Zhàn xiān】 = to take precedence
佔有 【Zhàn yǒu】 = to have, to hold [market] – [memegang - market / pasaran]
佔線 【Zhàn xiàn】 = busy [telephone]
佔領 【Zhàn lǐng】 = to occupy [territory] [menduduki – kekuasaan suatu tempat atau Negara]
侵佔 【Qīn zhàn】 = to invade and occupy [menyerang dan menduduki suatu teritori / daerah / negara]
接踵而來 【Jiē zhǒng ér lái】= to come after another [datang satu persatu]
封建 【Fēng jiàn】 = feudal
外遇 【Wài yù】= (of a married person) having extramarital relations, amour affair [punya serongan ; pasangan gelap]
低谷Dī gǔ 【低點 dī diǎn】= the lowest point [titik terendah]
低劣 【Dī liè】 = low grade, poor quality [kualitas buruk]
無濟於事 【Wú jì yú shì】 = useless and unhelpful; to no effect; not to solve problem. [gak membantu]
憋 【Biē】 = to hold breath, to feel choked [merasa tercekik]
憋氣 【Biē qì】 = feel suffocated or oppressed,; hard to breath [merasa marah terengah engah; merasa sesak nafas]
憋悶 【Biē men】 = to feel depressed [mood yang depresi]
掏 【Tāo】 = to fish out from pocket [mengambil]
掏底 【Tāo dǐ】 = [Mining] floor cut; to try to find out the real intention or situation. [mengorek kebenaran]
陶笛 【Táo dí】 = ocarina [music instrument]
掀風鼓浪 【Xiān fēng gǔ làng】 = to rise a storm, to stir up trouble [perusak]
掀動 【Xiān dòng】 = to stir, to rise; to set in motion [memulai]
捻鼻子 【Niǎn bízi】 = to twist a nose
嫌煩 【Xián fán】 = to feel bother [pusing]
捨已為人 【Shě yǐ wéi rén】 = to give up one's own interests for the sake of others; to sacrifice oneself for (or on behalf of) others; to risk one's life for another [mengorbankan orang lain demi kepentingan diri sendiri]
捨本逐末 【Shě běn zhú mò】 = to concentrate on details but forget the main purpose or objective; to sacrifice (or drop, lose) the substance for the shadow [mengabaikan hal utama dan mendahulukan yang tidak tidak penting]
節約 【Jié yuē】 = frugal, save [ekonomis]
Original Script
強硬態度 【Qiáng yìng tài dù】 = unyielding attitude, stubborn [keras kepala]
措辭強硬 【Cuò cí qiáng yìng】 = strongly worded [ucapan yang keras, maunya ini yah ini]
不擇手段 【 bù zé shǒu duàn】 = unscrupulously, by fair means by foul [ menghalalkan segala cara ]
趟 【Tàng】 = a lap, a trip [satu putaran]
電燈泡 【Diàn dēng pào】 = light – bulp [lampu bohlam]
作用力 【Zuò yòng lì】 = active force, applied force [tekanan kuat – hukum alam, hukum tarik dan berbalik]
疏散 【Shū sàn】 = to scatter, relax by strolling around
疏散措施 【Shū sàn cuò shī】 = to evacuate in building of emergency situation [mengevakuasi dalam gedung pada situasi genting]
調查 【Diào chá】 = investigate [verb], investigation [noun] [ menginvestigasi, mengecek]
冤枉 【Yuān wang】 = to be treat injustice, untrue, being deceived – indicate “to slander” [fitnah]
担保 【dān bǎo】= guarantee, one who guarantee [ penjamin ]
被冤枉 【Bèi yuān wang】 = being slander or libel [difitnah]
譭謗 【Huǐ bàng】- 誹謗 【fěi bàng】 = to slander, say something untrue behind one’s back [memfitnah]
毀滅 【Huǐ miè】 = to perish, to destroy – to ruin without leaves any trace [memusnahkan]
銷毀 【Xiāo huǐ】 = to destroy by melting or burning [memusnahkan dengan membakar ataupun mencairkan]
拋棄 【Pāo qì】 = to give up [someone] – to dump someone [membuang seseorang, maksudnya tidak mau lagi bersama dengan orang itu - ABANDON]
別墅 【Bié shù】 , 【 外郊區之住宅wài jiāo qū zhī zhù zhái】 = villa [rumah villa]
看守 【Kān shǒu】 = to guard [menjaga]
看護 【Kān hù】 = to protect [melindungi]
打不還手,罵不還口 【dǎ bù huán shǒu, mà bù huán kǒu】=
倒楣Dǎo méi 【運氣真不良yùn qì zhēn bù liáng】 = bad luck, unluck [kesialan/ketidakberuntungan]
悠久 【Yōu jiǔ】 = long standing, age-old [sudah lama]
平均壽命 【Píng jūn shòu mìng】 = life expectancy, the average of life span [rata rata usia hidup]
享樂主義 【Xiǎng lè zhǔ yì】 = hedonism [ideology hidup senang]
共享軟體 【Gòng xiǎng ruǎn jiàn】 = [Computer] shareware (Copyrighted software that is available free of charge on a trial basis, usually with the condition that users pay a fee for continued use and support)
股票交易所 【Gǔ piào jiāo yì suǒ】 = share and stocks organization [bursa efek]
股票市場 【Gǔ piào shì chǎng】 = stock market
股東 【Gǔ dōng】 = shareholder [pemegang saham]
凶惡 【Xiōng è】 = ferocious deed [tindakan keji]
兇殘 【Xiōng cán】 = cruel deed [tindakan kejam]
狠 【Hěn】 = fiercely, very [sangat]
狠毒 【Hěn dú】 = vicious and malicious [licik]
柔和 【Róu hé】 = gentle or soft [halus]
柔嫩 【Róu nèn】 = tender, delicate texture. [tektur yang halus]
順和 【Shùn he】 = affable, tender, smooth [Harmonis, bisa mengikuti / get along]
順從 【Shùn cóng】 = to be obedient to; to submit to; to yield to; to bow to; to resign oneself to; to give way to; to come to heel. [menurut, mengikuti nasihat]
待 【Dài】 = to stay, or delay time to stay in somewhere [menginap, menetap untuk sementara]
呆 【Dāi】 = lost in thought, to think something and we see this person no expression [bengong]; stay [menetap]
沾光 【Zhān guāng】 = to enjoy glory too, reflected glory – to bask in the light [kebagian hokinya]
佔先 【Zhàn xiān】 = to take precedence
佔有 【Zhàn yǒu】 = to have, to hold [market] – [memegang - market / pasaran]
佔線 【Zhàn xiàn】 = busy [telephone]
佔領 【Zhàn lǐng】 = to occupy [territory] [menduduki – kekuasaan suatu tempat atau Negara]
侵佔 【Qīn zhàn】 = to invade and occupy [menyerang dan menduduki suatu teritori / daerah / negara]
接踵而來 【Jiē zhǒng ér lái】= to come after another [datang satu persatu]
封建 【Fēng jiàn】 = feudal
外遇 【Wài yù】= (of a married person) having extramarital relations, amour affair [punya serongan ; pasangan gelap]
低谷Dī gǔ 【低點 dī diǎn】= the lowest point [titik terendah]
低劣 【Dī liè】 = low grade, poor quality [kualitas buruk]
無濟於事 【Wú jì yú shì】 = useless and unhelpful; to no effect; not to solve problem. [gak membantu]
憋 【Biē】 = to hold breath, to feel choked [merasa tercekik]
憋氣 【Biē qì】 = feel suffocated or oppressed,; hard to breath [merasa marah terengah engah; merasa sesak nafas]
憋悶 【Biē men】 = to feel depressed [mood yang depresi]
掏 【Tāo】 = to fish out from pocket [mengambil]
掏底 【Tāo dǐ】 = [Mining] floor cut; to try to find out the real intention or situation. [mengorek kebenaran]
陶笛 【Táo dí】 = ocarina [music instrument]
掀風鼓浪 【Xiān fēng gǔ làng】 = to rise a storm, to stir up trouble [perusak]
掀動 【Xiān dòng】 = to stir, to rise; to set in motion [memulai]
捻鼻子 【Niǎn bízi】 = to twist a nose
嫌煩 【Xián fán】 = to feel bother [pusing]
捨已為人 【Shě yǐ wéi rén】 = to give up one's own interests for the sake of others; to sacrifice oneself for (or on behalf of) others; to risk one's life for another [mengorbankan orang lain demi kepentingan diri sendiri]
捨本逐末 【Shě běn zhú mò】 = to concentrate on details but forget the main purpose or objective; to sacrifice (or drop, lose) the substance for the shadow [mengabaikan hal utama dan mendahulukan yang tidak tidak penting]
節約 【Jié yuē】 = frugal, save [ekonomis]
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