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常用的詞 03

Original Script

附帶 【Fù dài】 = supplementary, additionally, in parentheses.
災禍 【Zāi huò】 = disaster
不吭聲 【Bù kēng shēng】 = speechless.
吭聲 【kēng shēng】 = to utter a word or a sound.
成年 【Chéng nián】 = adult
偶爾 【Ǒu ěr】 = sometimes.
哆嗦 【Duō suō】 = to shiver, tremble.
啰嗦 【Luō suo】 = wordy, troublesome of talking too much.
頂撞 【Dǐng zhuàng】 = contradict, oppose or rebel against someone by saying something could scar one heart.
撞 【zhuàng】= to hit, bump into.
闖 【chuǎng】= gate crash, crashing.
自私自利 【Zì sī zì lì】 = egoist, selfish.
生活 【Shēng huó】 = life.
錯誤 【Cuò wù】 = mistake.
報應 【Bào yìng】 = judgement. [we reap what we sow]
惡報 【È bào】 = ill reap, ill judgement.
善報 【Shàn bào】 = good repay.
直線下降 【Zhí xiàn xià jiàng】 = directly drop, directly towards decline path [of career, business].
直線攀升 【zhí xian pān shēng】 、 直線上升 【zhí xian shàng shēng】 = rectilinear climb, get promotion, flourishing career.
強硬任性 【Qiáng yìng rèn xìng】 = headstrong, stubborn .
倔強 【juè jiàng】 – 固執 【gù zhí】 = obstinate, unbending.
相夫教子 【Xiàng fū jiào zǐ】 = to help the husband and teach the children -- the duty of a wife
不停地 【Bù tíng de】 = nonstop.
追求 【Zhuī qiú】 = to pursue a goal stubbornly, to deeply seek after.
採取一種氣壓的方式打擊他 【Cǎi qǔ yì zhǒng qì yā de fāng shì dǎ jí tā】 = to carry out a anger and pressure way towards him.
才華 【Cái huá】 = talented.
事與願違 【Shì yǔ yuàn wéi】 = things don’t turn out the way you want or plan.
造成 【Zào chéng】 = to bring about, to cause.
隱患 【Yǐn huàn】 = hidden damage or danger, lit : misfortune not visible from the surface.
晝伏夜出 【Zhòu fú yè chū】 = to hide by day and come out at night.
晝夜 【Zhòu yè】 = day and night.
陪客戶 【Péi kè hù】 = to accompany client.
免疫力 【Miǎn yì lì】 = immunity.
低下了 【Dī xià le】 = to lower [one’s head, power.]
違法 【Wéi fǎ】 = to against the law.
刻苦 【Kè kǔ】 = hardworking, assiduous.
吵鬧 【Chǎo nào】 = noisy.
孟加拉 【Mèng jiā lā】 = Bangladesh.
孟 【Mèng】 = eldest brother, first mont.
角色 【Jiáo sè 、Jué sè】 = character or role 【in acting or game】.
任務 【Rèn wù】 = assignment – duty - task 【organization / company】
情人 【Qíng rén】 = lover.
扭曲 【niǔ qū】= distort [bent].
情願 【qíng yuàn】 = to be willing to.
幸福 【Xìng fú】 = happiness.
衣服縫邊 【Yī fú féng biān】 = hem.
彌縫 【Mí fèng】 = to stitch up, to cover up crimes or cases.
掩飾 【Yǎn shì】 = to conceal a fault, to gloss over 【to hide our weak point】
蜂蜜 【fēng mì】= honey.
蜜蜂 【mì fēng】= honey bee.
縫紉 【Féng rèn】 = to sew.
裁縫 【Cái féng】 = sewing, tailor.
裁剪 【Cái jiǎn】 = to cut out.
短促 【Duǎn cù】 = in short time, fleeting.
促進 【cù jìn】= to promote [idea], to advance [organization or foundation]
促動 【cù dòng】= to motivate.
眩暈 【Xuàn yūn】 = dizziness.
耳源性 【Ěr yuán xìng】 = aural vertigo.
毛毛雨 【Máo mao yǔ】 = drizzle, light rain.
雨濛濛 【Yǔ méng méng】 = drizzle, light rain.
幾乎完全 【Jī hū wán quán】 = almost all.
什葉派 【Shí yè pài】 = shiite sect [islam]
借調 【Jiè diào】 = temporary transfer [of company’s personnel]
上調 【Shàng diào】 = adjust to upwards, to raise prices.
曲 【Qū】= bent, crooked, wrong/mal. [bengkok]
曲 【qǔ】= song [tune]. [lagu]
曲率 【Qū lǜ】 = curvature.
曲綫擬合 【Qū xiàn nǐ hé】 = curve fitting
彎曲 【Wān qū】 = to bent, curved, crooked. [ketekuk, bengkok, menekuk]
婉轉 【Wǎn zhuǎn】 = do the mild and indirect speaking, to clean up the language so what we say is not bad language. [memperhalus bahasa]
勢頭 【Shì tóu】 = momentum, tendency.
國標碼 【Guó biāo mǎ】 = standard PRC encoding font, GB = guo bao
提籃 【Tí lán】 = a basket [rantang]
懺悔 【chàn huǐ】= confession, to repent, to confess.[mengakuan, mengaku]
收入 【Shōu rù】 = income [pemasukan]
收入政策 【Shōu rù zhèng cè】 = income policy [kebijakan pemasukan]
收場 【Shōu chǎng】 = to conclude, the ending. [menyimpulkan, pengakhiran]
收尾 【Shōu wěi】 = to wind up, to bring to the end, to finish [pengakhiran]
收復 【Shōu fù】 = recover from lost territory [bangkit – kekuasaan, keuangan dsb]
收支 【Shōu zhī】 = financial balance, income and expenditure [cash flow] – [pengeluaran dan pemasukan uang]
客串 【kè chuàn】 = to be a guest performer; to appear as a guest on a television or radio program; (Am.) to guest [stunman – pemeran pengganti]
派往 【Pài wǎng】 = despatch someone to [mengirim personel ke]
派遺 【Pài yí】 = to despatch, to send someone on a mission [mengirimkan perwakilan pegawai ke]
特派 【Tè pài】 = special deligation. [orang kiriman khusus]
蘋果派 【Píng guǒ pài】 = apple pie
派 【Pài】 = sect [religion], party [politic], clique [partai politik, sekte mazhab]
寄銷 【Jì xiāo】 = consigned [a goods], to send a merchandise [memaket kirim barang jualan]
調度 【Diào dù】 = dispatch [organize the product]
可調 【Kě tiáo】 = adjustable [bisa dirapihkan]
嘴巴 【Zuǐ ba】 = mouth [mulu]
嘴唇 【Zuǐ chún】 = lips [bibir]
偽代碼 【Wěi dài mǎ】 = pseudo code
虧損 【Kuī sǔn】 = deficit, loss financial [rugi, kerugian]
偏袒 【Piān tǎn】 = side with, discriminate in favor of [children] [lebih memperhatikan …]
偏偏 【Piān piān】 = out of expectation, against our hope [diluar harapan]
偏僻 【Piān pì】 = remote, far from city [daerah pinggiran, jauh dari kota]
偏向 【Piān xiàng】 = partial towards someone, to be prefer [someone] [lebih memihak ke]


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