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The Shepherd & Lion [繁體字+英文翻譯]

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從前, 有一頭獅子走過樹林的時候,

Cóngqián, yǒuyī tóu shīzi zǒuguò shùlín de shíhou,
Jiǎodǐ bù xiǎoxīn cǎi dàole yì gēn cì.

搖著尾巴向他表示親切, 好像是在說:

Tā jímáng pǎo dào yí wèi mùyáng rén de miànqián,
Yáozhe wěiba xiàng tā biǎoshì qīnqiè, hǎoxiàng shì zài shuō:
“Qǐng bāng bāng wǒ ba".


Mùyáng rén bù zhīdào shī zǐ fāshēng shénme shì,
Dàn jiàn tā tòngkǔ de yàngzi,
biàn zǐxì wèi shīzi jiǎnchá,
Zhōngyú fāxiàn shīzi jiǎodǐ dì nà gēn cì.

幫忙將刺拔出來, 獅子心存感激的回到森林裡.

Mùyáng rén jiāng shīzi de jiǎo fàng zài zìjǐ de xīgài shàng,
Bāngmáng jiāng cì bá chūlái, shīzi xīn cún gǎnjī de huí dào sēnlín li.

不久, 牧羊人遭人誣告陷害,

Bùjiǔ, mùyáng rén zāo rén wúgào xiànhài,
bèi pànjué fàngzhú dào sēnlín li wèi shīzi.


Dāng mùyáng rén bèi dài wǎng sēnlín fàngzhú de shíhou,
qián lái chī tā de
zhèng shì tā jiùguò dì nà tóu shīzi.


Shī zǐ rèn chū mùyáng rén
shì céngjīng bāngzhùguò zìjǐ de rén,
bú dàn méiyǒu pū guò qù,
Fǎn ér màn man de zǒu jìn mùyáng rén,


Bǎ zhǎo zi fàng zài mùyáng rén de xī gài shàng,
biǎo míng bú huì shānghài tā.


Hòulái, guó wáng tīng shuō zhè jiàn shì qíng hòu
xiāng dāng gǎndòng,
Bìng wèi mù yáng rén chá míng zhēn xiàng,
hái gěi mù yáng rén yígè qīng bái,
gǎi pàn wú zuì shì Fàng.


Zhìhuì qǐshì:
Xíng shàn zhě bì yǒu shàn bào

English Translation [英文翻譯]

Once upon the time, there was a lion walking through the forest,
his foot was accidentally stepped on a thorn,
he was rush over to a shepherd,
Waving his tail as the expression of affection, as if to say:
please help me.

shepherd did not know what happened to the lion,
but seeing his pain,
the shepherd then examined with caution,
eventually he found the thorn on his feet.

Shepherd then put
Lion feet above his knee
Helped him pull out the thorn,
Lion with a heart full of gratitude went back into the forest.

Shortly thereafter, 
the shepherd was framed with false accusations,
And sentenced to exile to the forest to feed lion.
When the shepherd was taken into the forest for seclusion,
The lion which suppose to eat him by chance is
The one that he helped before.

Lion recognize the shepherd is
The person who had helped him,
Lion Not only did not crash him,
But instead he walk slowly and approach the sheperd,

Put his feet on the shepherd’s knee,
As a sign that he won’t hurt him.
Then, after the king hearing this, he was deeply moved,
And at the same time clarify the truth about the shepherd,
By changing the judgement
to release him as an innocent

Inspirational Word
A good deed is always rewarded
“all’s well that ends well”

Word Bank

  1. 從前 = once upon a time, long ago [dahulu kala]
  2. 有 = there is, there was [terdapat, ada]
  3. 一頭獅子 = a lion [seekor singa]
  4. 走 = walk [berjalan]
  5. 過 = to go across, to pass, over [melalui]
  6. 樹林 = woods, refer to forest [hutan]
  7. 的時候 = when, at the time of [saat]
  8. 腳 = foot [kaki]
  9. 底 = the bottom, base [dasar, telapak]
  10. 不小心 = accidentally, inautious, mindless [tak sengaja]
  11. 踩到 = to step on [menginjak]
  12. 一根 =
    measure word for long slender objects.
    e.g. cigarettes, guitar strings, tree’s branch, needle, etc
    [kata satuan hitung untuk benda seperti tangkai.
    Contohnya : rokok, senar, ranting pohon, jarum, dll.
  13. 刺 = thorn [duri]
  14. 祂 [In Simplified classifed as 它] = “he” for non-human [ia]
  15. 急忙 = hurriedly, hastly, in great haste [tergesa gesa]
  16. 跑 = to run [berlari]
  17. 到 = arrive to, to reach, up to [sampai di]
  18. 一位 = a “person” [seorang]
  19. 牧羊人 = sheperd [gembala]
  20. 的 = of
  21. 面前 = in front of [didepan]
  22. 搖 = waving, shake [menggoyangkan]
  23. 尾巴 = tail [ekor]
  24. 向 = towards [terhadap]
  25. 他 = he [dia]
  26. 表示 =
    to mean,
    to express – to indicate
    [menandakan, mengartikan]
  27. 親切 = cordial, sweet, friendliness [kehangatan]
  28. 好像是 = seem like, look like [sepertinya]
  29. 在 + verb =
    something is going on, is in progress
    [sedang berlangsung]
  30. 說 = talk, speak [berkata]
  31. 請 = would you please, please [mohon, tolong]
  32. 幫 = assist, help [bantu]
  33. 不知道 = not knowing, don’t know [tidak tahu]
  34. 獅子 = lion [Singa]
  35. 發生 = occur, happen [terjadi]
  36. 什麼 = what [apa]
  37. 事 = matter, affair, business [masalah]
  38. 但 – 但是 = but [tetapi]
  39. 見 – 看 = to see [melihat]
  40. 痛苦 = misery, pain, suffering [menderita]
  41. 的樣子 = appearance, a look of one’s posture [penampakan]
  42. 便 = thereupon [kemudian]
  43. 仔細 = carefully [dengan hati hati, jeli]
  44. 為 = for [demi, untuk]
  45. 檢查 = check, examine [mengecek]
  46. 終於 = eventually, finally [akhirnya]
  47. 發現 = discover, find out, figure out [menemukan]
  48. 將 = are going to [akan segera]
  49. 放 = to put [menaruh]
  50. 在 + adverb of place = at, in, on – preposition [di, pada]
  51. 自己 = oneself, my-self [diri sendiri]
  52. 膝蓋 = knee [lutut]
  53. 幫忙 = help
  54. 拔出來 = pull out [menarik keluar, mencabut]
  55. 心 = heart [hati]
  56. 存 = keep [menyimpan]
  57. 感激 = grateful [rasa syukur]
  58. 回 = return [kembali]
  59. 森林 = forest [hutan]
  60. 不久 = soon, shortly thereafter [tak lama kemudian]
  61. 遭 = to meet with [misfortune] – bertemu dengan yang tidak diharapkan
  62. 誣告 = to frame up [menuduh]
  63. 陷害 =
    to falsely incriminate by rigging events or evidence
    [memberikan tuduhan palsu]
  64. 被 = being, be + verb ed [di]
  65. 判決 = to sentence [menjatuhi hukuman]
  66. 放逐 = to banish, to send into exile [diasingkan]
  67. 裡 = inside [dalam]
  68. 餵 = to feed [memberi makan]
  69. 當...的時候 = at the time of, when [ketika]
  70. 帶 = to bring [membawa]
  71. 往 = addressed to, to go forward, to direct to [mengarah ke]
  72. 前來 = that was suppose to [yang tadinya, yang seharusnya]
  73. 吃 = to eat [memakan]
  74. 正是 = accurately, exactly [tepat sekali, kebetulan tepat sekali]
  75. 救 = save [life] – menolong [hidup seseorang]
  76. 過 : verb + 過 = ever, once [pernah]
  77. 認出 = recognize, identify [mengenal]
  78. 曾經 + Verb + 過 = ever, once [pernah]
  79. 幫助 = to aid, to support [membantu]
  80. 不但...反而 =
    not only...but instead
    [tidak hanya....akan tetapi malah]
  81. 沒有 = didn’t [tidak]
  82. 撲過去 = pounce [menerkam]
  83. 慢慢的 = slowly [pelan plan]
  84. 近 = close to, get close [mendekati]
  85. 走近 = approach, up to [mendekati]
  86. 表明 = to clarify, to demonstrate [menunjukkan]
  87. 不會 = won’t [tidak akan]
  88. 傷害 = harm, to injure, to hurt [melukai]
  89. 後來 = later on, afterwards [kemudian, setelah itu]
  90. 國王 = the king [raja]
  91. 聽說 =
    hear the info,
    hear mass talk
    [mendengar kabar]
  92. 這件事情 = this problem [masalah ini]
  93. 後 – 以後 – 之後 = after [setelah]
  94. 相當 – 很 = very, quite [sangat]
  95. 感動 = thrilled, moved, touched [heart] - mengharukan
  96. 並 =
    and also,
    at the same time
    [disaat yang sama, kemudian]
  97. 查明 =
    to ascertain,
    to make sure,
    clarify by investigate.
  98. 真相 =
    the real situation,
    an actual state of affairs
    [kebenaran dari permasalahan]
  99. 還給 = to give back, to return [mengembalikan]
  100. 一個 = one, a [sebuah]
  101. 清白 = sinless, innocent, pure [ketidak bersalahan – bersih]
  102. 改判 =
    to change the judgement,
    to change the original sentence
    [mengubah keputusan hukum]
  103. 無罪釋放 =
    Release someone because innocent,
    A verdict of acquittal
    [pembebasan tak bersalah / bebas tanpa syarat]
  104. 智慧 = wisdom, deep understanding [bijaksana dan cerdas]
  105. 啟示 = inspirational [bersifat ilham, menginspirasikan]
  106. 行 = to run, to do [melakukan]
  107. 善 = goodness, kindness [kebaikan]
  108. 者 = the person, a person posed as [orang yang]
  109. 必 – 必定 = surely, must be [pasti]
  110. 有 = there is, there are, to get [ada, mendapatkan]
  111. 報 = reply, repaid, to get in return [balasan]


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