The answer is ______
a. 舒展开来 Shū zhǎn kāi lái =
outlining the tangled threads, to roll out
[menguraikan sampai rapih]
b. 显而易见 Xiǎn ér yì jiàn =
clearly and easy to see (idiom); obviously;
clearly; it goes without saying
[sudah terlihat jelas, tak perlu penjelasan lagi.]
c. 随机应变 Suí jī yìng biàn =
to change according to the situation (idiom);
pragmatic [berubah mengikuti sikon]
d. 信口开河 Xìn kǒu kāi hé =
to speak without thinking;
to blurt smth out
[asal ngomong gak mikir mikir lagi, bocor]
e. 共同承担 Gòng tóng chéng dān =
to bear together all the consequences
[menanggung bersama]
f. 患难之交 Huàn nàn zhī jiāo =
Together have experienced the hardships of friends.
[teman senasib]
a. 舒展开来 Shū zhǎn kāi lái =
outlining the tangled threads, to roll out
[menguraikan sampai rapih]
b. 显而易见 Xiǎn ér yì jiàn =
clearly and easy to see (idiom); obviously;
clearly; it goes without saying
[sudah terlihat jelas, tak perlu penjelasan lagi.]
c. 随机应变 Suí jī yìng biàn =
to change according to the situation (idiom);
pragmatic [berubah mengikuti sikon]
d. 信口开河 Xìn kǒu kāi hé =
to speak without thinking;
to blurt smth out
[asal ngomong gak mikir mikir lagi, bocor]
e. 共同承担 Gòng tóng chéng dān =
to bear together all the consequences
[menanggung bersama]
f. 患难之交 Huàn nàn zhī jiāo =
Together have experienced the hardships of friends.
[teman senasib]
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