The answer is _____
a. 靈機一動 Líng jī yí dòng = a bright idea suddenly occurs (idiom); to hit upon an inspiration; to be struck by a brainwave [inspirasi muncul tiba tiba]
b. 歪歪斜斜 Wāi wāi xié xié = shuddering; trembling; a trembling scrawl (of handwriting) [gemetar atau tidak diam, miring miring]
c. 沉默寡言 Chén mò guǎ yán = habitually silent (idiom); reticent; uncommunicative [org yg tdk bnyk ngomong]
d. 風平浪靜 Fēng píng làng jìng = lit. breeze is still, waves are quiet (idiom); tranquil environment; all is quiet; a dead calm (at sea) [sekitar yang tenang]
e. 怨天怨地 Yuàn tiān yuàn dì = seek the cause of problems in God instead of his/herself; to blame others of one’s bad luck [menyalahkan Tuhan atas segala problem yang terjadi]
f. 神態自若 Shén tài zì ruò = calm look on one face [raut wajah yg tenang]
a. 靈機一動 Líng jī yí dòng = a bright idea suddenly occurs (idiom); to hit upon an inspiration; to be struck by a brainwave [inspirasi muncul tiba tiba]
b. 歪歪斜斜 Wāi wāi xié xié = shuddering; trembling; a trembling scrawl (of handwriting) [gemetar atau tidak diam, miring miring]
c. 沉默寡言 Chén mò guǎ yán = habitually silent (idiom); reticent; uncommunicative [org yg tdk bnyk ngomong]
d. 風平浪靜 Fēng píng làng jìng = lit. breeze is still, waves are quiet (idiom); tranquil environment; all is quiet; a dead calm (at sea) [sekitar yang tenang]
e. 怨天怨地 Yuàn tiān yuàn dì = seek the cause of problems in God instead of his/herself; to blame others of one’s bad luck [menyalahkan Tuhan atas segala problem yang terjadi]
f. 神態自若 Shén tài zì ruò = calm look on one face [raut wajah yg tenang]
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