The answer is _____
a. 慌慌張張 Huāng huāngzhāng zhāng = panic
b. 熟悉環境 Shoúxī huánjìng = Familiar with the environment [mengenal lingkungan]
c. 級任老師 Jí rèn lǎo shī = teacher class, teacher in charge of a class [wali kelas]
d. 自我介紹 Zì wǒ jiè shào = self-introduction [perkenalan diri]
e. 滿身大汗 Mǎn shēn dà hàn =
all sweat, whole body cover by sweat [berkeringatan / basah kuyup karena keringat]
f. 慷慨解囊 Kāng kǎi jiě náng =
to contribute generously, to help somebody generougly with money, give charity with generously [memberi dana besar2an]
option C in China is called 班主任 Bān zhǔ rèn
a. 慌慌張張 Huāng huāngzhāng zhāng = panic
b. 熟悉環境 Shoúxī huánjìng = Familiar with the environment [mengenal lingkungan]
c. 級任老師 Jí rèn lǎo shī = teacher class, teacher in charge of a class [wali kelas]
d. 自我介紹 Zì wǒ jiè shào = self-introduction [perkenalan diri]
e. 滿身大汗 Mǎn shēn dà hàn =
all sweat, whole body cover by sweat [berkeringatan / basah kuyup karena keringat]
f. 慷慨解囊 Kāng kǎi jiě náng =
to contribute generously, to help somebody generougly with money, give charity with generously [memberi dana besar2an]
option C in China is called 班主任 Bān zhǔ rèn
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