The answer is _____
a. 大飽口福 Dà bǎo kǒu fú = to gorge oneself [slang = pig out] - makan sampai puas
b. 後顧之憂 Hòu gù zhī yōu = worries about consequences - a negative expressions [khawatir konsekuensi mendatang]
c. 止痛藥 Zhǐ tòng yào = Pain killer pill, analgesic [obat tahan sakit]
d. 善解人意 Shàn jiě rén yì = understanding people's views (idiom); fair and considerate [orang yang adil dan pengertian]
e. 自助餐 Zì zhù cān = self-service meal [restoran ambil makanan sendiri]
f. 哄堂大笑 Hōng táng dà xiào = the whole room roaring with laughter [ruangan penuh dengan suara tawa]
note: analgesic [C] also called 鎮痛劑 - Zhèn tòng jì
a. 大飽口福 Dà bǎo kǒu fú = to gorge oneself [slang = pig out] - makan sampai puas
b. 後顧之憂 Hòu gù zhī yōu = worries about consequences - a negative expressions [khawatir konsekuensi mendatang]
c. 止痛藥 Zhǐ tòng yào = Pain killer pill, analgesic [obat tahan sakit]
d. 善解人意 Shàn jiě rén yì = understanding people's views (idiom); fair and considerate [orang yang adil dan pengertian]
e. 自助餐 Zì zhù cān = self-service meal [restoran ambil makanan sendiri]
f. 哄堂大笑 Hōng táng dà xiào = the whole room roaring with laughter [ruangan penuh dengan suara tawa]
note: analgesic [C] also called 鎮痛劑 - Zhèn tòng jì
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