Rén yào cóng gǒu měng jiǔ suān de diǎn gù zhōng xīqǔ jiàoxǜn.
Rén yào cóng gǒu měng jiǔ suān de diǎn gù zhōng xīqǔ jiàoxǜn.
man must take a lesson from difficult situation and bad condition which befall in her/his life
[Indonesian 印尼文]
orang harus mengambil pelajaran dari
segala kisah kesulitan dan kerumitan yang menimpa dirinya
Word Bank
- 人 = man, people, human [orang]
- 要 = should [harus]
- 從 = from [dari]
- 狗猛酒酸 = the dog which soured the wine [Idiom]; describing bad situation or condition which causing us hard to advance or to go forward; a situation which prevent us to [Rintangan hidup - oleh karena lingkungan, kondisi ataupun seseorang]
- 的 = of, own [dari]
- 典故 = allusion (to classic story or saying); classical quotation; parable; story [kisah; alur kisah]
- 中 - 當中 = in the middle of, among, inside of [dalam]
- 吸取 = to absorb, to draw [a lesson or insight] , to assimilate [mencerna, menarik kesimpulan untuk memahami, untuk menarik. singkatnya disebut MENELAAH]
- 教訓 = lesson; moral; to chide somebody; to lecture somebody [pelajaran]
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