to imitate the dog and steal chicken (idiom);
to dally with women; to have affairs,
to dally with women; to have affairs,
doing things in secretly, sly
Explanation 解釋:
Yìsi shì tōuqiè de xíngwéi
Bú zhèngjīng de gòudang
sebuah tindakan pencurian
gelagat yang tidak layak atau pantas
Qíshí yě kě shuō tōudào zhī yì.
Bǐyù gàn huàishì
sebenaranya juga bisa diartikan sebagai pencurian
perbandingannya : melakukan kejahatan
Tōu jī mō gǒu
Means an attitude of theft
inappropriate deed
In fact, it can also be considered as theft
describing : to do bad things
Means an attitude of theft
inappropriate deed
In fact, it can also be considered as theft
describing : to do bad things
Word Bank
- 意思 Yì si - 意義 yì yì = meaning [arti]
- 是 Shì = is [adalah]
- 偷竊 Tōu qiè = thievery, pilferage [pecurian, pemalingan]
- 竊取 Qiè qǔ = to steal [mengambil, pencurian]
- 的 De = of, own; conjunctive [yang, dari, kepunyaan, kata sambung]
- 行為 Xíng wéi = conduct [tabiat, tindakan, tingkah laku]
- 不 Bù = not [tidak]
- 正經 Zhèng jīng = decent; respectable [pantas dan layak]
- 品行 Pǐn xíng = moral conduct [tindak moral]
- 品性 Pǐn xìng = characteristic - the nature of one's character [karakteristik seseorang]
- 勾當 Gòu dang = derogatory business or dirty deal - shady business [bisnis kotor]
- 其實 Qí shí - 實在 shí zài = actually, in fact [sesunggunya]
- 也 Yě = also [juga]
- 可 Kě - 可以 kě yǐ - 能 néng = can [bisa]
- 說 Shuō - 講 jiǎng = speak, said, explain [berkata, menjelaskan]
- 偷盜 Tōudào
- 之 Zhī = 的
- 意 Yì = 意思 yì si - 意義 yì yì [exp on above]
- 或 Huò - 或著 huò zhe = or
- 比喻 Bǐ yù = figuratively, analogy [analog, perbandingannya]
- 幹 Gàn - 做 zuò = to do, to commit [mengerjakan]
- 壞事 Huài shì = has to do with evil deed or crime [kejahatan]
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