Xǐ xīn gé miàn
lit. to wash one's heart and renew one's face (proverb)
membersihkan hati merubah wajah [pribahasa]
洗 = to wash [mencuci]
心 = heart and mind [hati]
革-改革gǎigé = to reform or remove [membuang]
面-面貌 miàn mào -面目miàn mù = face / side [sisi atau muka]
解釋Jiěshì [解释] – explanation:
to repent sincerely and mend one's mistaken ways; to turn over a new leaf [to a positive direction]
bertobat secara sungguh sungguh dan memperbaiki kesalahan; membuka lembaran baru [kearah positif]
Gǎi xié guī zhèng
(saying) to give up evil and return to good
改 = to alter / change [merubah]
邪-邪惡xié'è = demonic, evil [kejahatan, kuasa gelap]
歸-回歸huíguī -復歸fùguī = return / to go back [kembali]
正-正義zhèngyì = right, correct way [jalan yang benar]
Tuō tāi huàn gǔ
To shed one's mortal body and exchange one's bones (idiom)
Meaning: born again; to turn over a new leaf;
to change wholly;
to create from other material (story, artwork etc)
脫胎 = to be born; means to create or to develop another / to develop out something else or something newer. [of idea, stories, system, etc]
換 = to change [merubah]
骨 = bone [tulang]
Zǒu shàng zì xīn zhī lù
Walk on the new direction
Berjalan ke arah yang lain
走上 = to walk on [berjalan di]
自新 = to make a fresh start / to start over again [memulai yang baru]
之路-的路 = of way / direction [jalan]
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